Table of Contents
The Board of Trustees, administration, faculty, and staff at Belhaven University welcome you. We are committed to providing a transformative educational experience that combines academic excellence, personal growth, and spiritual development. As you navigate your time here, you will discover a supportive community of faculty, staff, and fellow students dedicated to helping you succeed inside and outside the classroom.
This student handbook is a valuable resource to guide you through your journey at Belhaven. You will find essential information about academic policies, campus resources, student organizations, and more. We encourage you to familiarize yourself with the contents of this handbook and refer to it whenever you have questions or need assistance.
As you embark on this exciting chapter, remember you are not alone. Belhaven is more than just a university; it is a community where you will find friendship, mentorship, and endless opportunities for growth and discovery. We are honored to have you as part of our community and look forward to supporting you in achieving your goals and aspirations. May God bless you as you further your education!
The University
Our vision is to prepare men and women academically and spiritually to serve Christ Jesus in their careers, in human relationships, and in the world of ideas.
The University
Belhaven University prepares students academically and spiritually to serve Christ Jesus in their careers, in human relationships, and in the world of ideas.
Belhaven University affirms the Lordship of Christ over all aspects of life, acknowledges the Bible as the foundational authority for the development of a personal worldview, and recognizes each individual’s career as a calling from God. Each academic department is committed to high academic goals for its students and clarifies the implications of biblical truth for its discipline. Belhaven upholds these commitments in offering undergraduate and graduate programs, by conventional and technological delivery modes, and in local, national, and international venues. The University requires a liberal arts foundation in each undergraduate degree program in order to best prepare students to contribute to a diverse, complex, and fast-changing world.
By developing servant leaders who value integrity, compassion, and justice in all aspects of their lives, the University prepares people to serve, not to be served.
The University
We believe that there is only one God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
We believe in the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, in His sinless life, in His miracles, in His vicarious and atoning death through His shed blood, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father, and in His personal return in power and glory.
We believe the Bible to be the inspired, inerrant, and only infallible, authoritative Word of God, which exercises ultimate authority over the individual, the Church, and human reason.
We believe that justification through Christ is received by repentant sinners through faith alone, without works.
We believe that God, by His Spirit, progressively transforms the lives of those who are justified by God.
We believe in the resurrection of both the saved and the lost; they that are saved unto the resurrection of life and they that are lost unto the resurrection of damnation.
The University
Belhaven University is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) to award associate, baccalaureate, master’s, educational specialist, and doctoral degrees. Belhaven University also may offer credentials such as certificates and diplomas at approved degree levels. Questions about the accreditation of Belhaven University may be directed in writing to the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges at 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, GA 30033-4097, by calling (404) 679-4500, or by using information available on the SACSCOC’s website (
The School of Education is nationally recognized the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP), having received full accreditation in Fall 2023 for all initial teacher educator licensure and advanced administrator licensure programs.
The Department of Music is an accredited institutional member of the National Association of Schools of Music (NASM). The Department of Art is an accredited institutional member of the National Association of Schools of Art and Design (NASAD). The Department of Dance is an accredited institutional member of the National Association of Schools of Dance (NASD). The Department of Theatre is an accredited institutional member of the National Association of Schools of Theatre (NAST).
Belhaven University has received specialized accreditation for its business programs through the International Accreditation Council for Business Education (IACBE) in the following degrees are accredited by the IACBE: Master of Business Administration, Master of Health Administration, Master of Public Administration, Master of Science in Information Technology Management, Master of Organizational Leadership, Master of Sports Administration, Bachelor of Arts in Sales Management, Bachelor of Arts in Supply Chain Management, Bachelor of Science in Accounting, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Bachelor of Science in Fashion Merchandising, Bachelor of Business Administration, Bachelor of Science in Management, Bachelor of Science in Leadership & Coaching, and Bachelor of Science in Sports Management.
Students who have questions or concerns regarding Belhaven’s state licensure should browse to the link below for contact information for their respective state.
Belhaven University is a member of the Mississippi Association of Independent Colleges, the Association of Presbyterian Colleges and Universities, the National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities, and the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities.
The University
Academic and Classroom Policies
The Provost is responsible for the academic program of Belhaven University. The Academic Appeals Committee considers written student appeals related to academic standards, regulations, or polices. The Registrar maintains permanent records for all students.
Belhaven University usually allows full credit to transferring students for work completed at other regionally and nationally accredited institutions; some courses, which are not regarded consistent with a liberal arts curriculum (including remedial work or other work to be determined by the Registrar) may not be credited toward a degree. The transferability of credit is at the discretion of the accepting institution.
An academic plan will be established for students upon admission to Belhaven. They can be viewed by logging on to BlazeNet. Login information for BlazeNet is sent to the student’s Belhaven email address.
The “Academic Plan” for each degree is available online in the Academic Planning section of BlazeNet. The “My Progress” tab lists exactly what courses are needed and if they have been completed. The “Timeline” tab provides a place for each student to work with an advisor to plan when each requirement will be fulfilled.
Students must keep their own records of their academic progress; ultimately, it is the responsibility of the student to see that he/she is completing the correct courses for the degree he or she is pursuing. Students are encouraged to familiarize themselves with additional academic matters as outlined in the current Catalogue. If there are questions, please feel free to contact the Registrar’s office.
Belhaven University does not discriminate in the administration of its education policies, applications for admission, scholarship and loan programs, or athletic and extracurricular programs. The rights, privileges, programs, and activities at Belhaven University are made available to all students who are enrolled regardless of sex, religion, color, national origin, disability, or age.
Academic and Classroom Policies
- Develop students’ potential, enabling them to face the future with confidence and determination.
- Prepare students for leadership and service in their chosen vocation.
- Apply critical thinking and reasoning skills to identify problems and to develop problem-solving abilities.
- Apply theoretical knowledge to solve real-life problems through teamwork within the context of an active learning environment.
- Facilitate social development and effectiveness in interpersonal relationships through developing personal values and constructive attitudes toward work, other people, and the quality of life.
- Form a broad base for a detailed study in a major discipline while giving Christian perspective on the world of ideas.
- Foster and promote a sense of Biblical ethics and values to be applied in the students’ personal and professional lives.
- Facilitate spiritual growth by examining personal and corporate values from a Christian worldview.
Academic and Classroom Policies
Students are encouraged to attend a Freshmen or Transfer Orientation prior to enrollment at the University.
- Prior to class beginning, students are encouraged to attend a live Foundations via Zoom with student services where the following will take place:
- Meet Belhaven staff
- Discuss Belhaven’s program format and schedule information
- Review program policies and degree completion planning
- Review textbook information on downloading class modules
- Receive parking decal and information (if applicable)
- Review any individual questions
Students are also strongly encouraged to complete an online orientation in Canvas.
Academic and Classroom Policies
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99) is a Federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. The law applies to all schools that receive funds under an applicable program of the U.S. Department of Education.
FERPA gives parents certain rights with respect to their children’s education records. These rights transfer to the student when he or she reaches the age of 18 or attends a school beyond the high school level. Students to whom the rights have transferred are “eligible students.”
- Parents or eligible students* have the right to inspect and review the student’s education records maintained by the school. Schools are not required to provide copies of records unless, for reasons such as great distance, it is impossible for parents or eligible students* to review the records. Schools may charge a fee for copies.
- Parents or eligible students* have the right to request that a school correct records which they believe to be inaccurate or misleading. If the school decides not to amend the record, the parent or eligible student* then has the right to a formal hearing. After the hearing, if the school still decides not to amend the record, the parent or eligible student* has the right to place a statement with the record setting forth his or her view about the contested information.
- Generally, schools must have written permission from the parent or eligible student* in order to release any information from a student’s education record. However, FERPA allows schools to disclose those records, without consent, to the following parties or under the following conditions (34 CFR § 99.31):
- School officials with legitimate educational interest;
- Other schools to which a student is transferring;
- Specified officials for audit or evaluation purposes;
- Appropriate parties in connection with financial aid to a student;
- Organizations conducting certain studies for or on behalf of the school;
- Accrediting organizations;
- To comply with a judicial order or lawfully issued subpoena;
- Appropriate officials in cases of health and safety emergencies; and
- State and local authorities, within a juvenile justice system, pursuant to specific State law.
Schools may disclose, without consent, “directory” information such as a student’s name, address, telephone number, date and place of birth, honors and awards, and dates of attendance. However, schools must tell parents and eligible students* about directory information and allow parents and eligible students* a reasonable amount of time to request that the school not disclose directory information about them. Schools must notify parents and eligible students* annually of their rights under FERPA. The actual means of notification (special letter, inclusion in a PTA bulletin, student handbook, or newspaper article) is left to the discretion of each school.
*Eligible Students are students who are 18 years of age or older or attending a school beyond high school level.
Academic and Classroom Policies
Belhaven University believes that learning can be demonstrated through typical assessments such as tests, quizzes, papers, and class participation. However, we also believe that learning occurs beyond engaging in these assessments and that class attendance enhances learning in immeasurable ways.
In consultation with their Dean or Department Chair, all faculty members set their own policy for class attendance for the course. Be sure to review the course syllabus to understand the attendance requirement. Most faculty set one of these four policies:
- Class attendance is important in this course and students missing more than 20% of classes will fail the course and receive an F (except in the case of unique medical or family extenuating circumstances to be considered in consultation with the Registrar).
- 8 absences for a class that meets three times a week
- 6 absences for a class that meets two times a week
- 3 absences for a class that meets once a week.
Persistently arriving late or leaving early may impact a student’s final grade.
- Class attendance is important in this course and missing more than 20% of classes will lower the student’s final grade (except in the case of unique medical or family extenuating circumstances to be considered in consultation with the Registrar).
- 1 letter grade: 21-29% absent, 3x week 9-11, 2x week 7-8, 1x week 4
- 2 letter grades: 30-39% absent, 3x week 12-15, 2x week 9-11, 1x week 5
- 3 letter grades: 40% or more absent, 3x week 16+, 2x week 12+, 1x week 6
Persistently arriving late or leaving early may impact a student’s final grade.
- Class attendance is important in this course and students must notify the professor if a class is to be missed and make arrangements to make-up the work.
- Class attendance is not a high priority of this class and students should use their judgment in how to use their time best to gain the most from this course.
In consultation with their Dean or Department Chair, faculty members will articulate their policy in the syllabus for the course. It is the responsibility of the student to understand and follow the attendance policy for each course. While faculty members set their attendance standards, a student’s grade may not be lowered for missing up to 20% of the course’s classes.
All reasons for absences (e.g., illness, representation for University activities, emergencies, and late registration) are included in these standards.
Attendance is measured by a student’s interaction with the course through submitting an assignment, taking a quiz, or posting to the discussion forum. If the student performs any of these elements, he or she is marked present for that week. If not, the student is marked absent. To prevent deregistration in online courses, you must complete the course survey quiz no later than Tuesday of the second week of class. (see further information in the deregistration section below.)
- 7-week courses (half semester)
- Two absences result in a whole grade reduction of the final grade.
- Three absences result in an ‘F’ grade for the course, no exceptions allowed.
- 14-week courses (full semester)
- Three absences result in a whole grade reduction of the final grade.
- Five absences result in an ‘F’ grade for the course, no exceptions allowed.
Late submission of assignments results in a 30% grade reduction on the assignment for each day late. No submission allowed after two days.
Project team assignments and meetings constitute an essential element of some coursework. Any false information provided on a log is considered an honor code violation and is grounds for expulsion from the program.
Academic and Classroom Policies
To ensure that the educational experience of all doctoral students is robust and constructive, students are expected to actively participate by completing dissertation-related activities. If a student fails to complete the course requirements, then the student risks failing the course. Any student who may have difficulty participating and/or completing a course is strongly encouraged to contact his/her Dissertation Chair/Advisor. Failure to submit work by the deadline will result in an absence for that week.
Academic and Classroom Policies
Deregistration is a process by which a student’s registration in a course is removed from their schedule for the semester. There are two types of deregistration processes each semester (or each mod for 7-week online courses).
Non-Attendance Deregistration is the removal of registration for a student who has not attended any class meetings in an on-ground course during the first 9 calendar days of the semester/course or when the student has not submitted the course survey quiz in Canvas for an online course. As attendance is reviewed for each section, a student may be removed from a portion of their schedule or all of their courses.
Financial Obligation Deregistration is the removal of registration for a student who has not finalized their financial plan for the semester. A student who is missing financial documents, has not submitted their FAFSA for the current year, has insufficient aid with no payment plan, or has issues with the Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) calculation, may be at risk for this type of deregistration.
Both Non-Attendance Deregistration and Financial Obligation Deregistration occur on day 10 (the Wednesday morning after the first week of class) of a semester/course. The student’s full-time status, financial aid, athletic eligibility or international status may be affected by deregistered courses. Notice of course deregistration will be sent to the student’s Belhaven email address. Students who are deregistered from courses will not get credit for the course - even if they attend after a course is deregistered.
Students must attend class meetings for all courses registered to have attendance posted and avoid deregistration.
Students are responsible for charges for any classes they are enrolled in after the deregistration has occurred.
Academic and Classroom Policies
A student may withdraw from a course, up to the official withdrawal date for the term (see academic calendar for date) and receive a grade of W rather than an F; however, they will still be responsible for tuition charges for courses from which they withdraw. A grade of “W” removes the course from the academic GPA calculation for the term; however, the course is still included in the Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress calculations for Financial Aid purposes. To officially withdraw from a course, a student shall submit the electronic withdrawal form in Blazenet. Emails to the registrar, an advisor or faculty member is not an approved way to officially withdraw from a course and will not be used for course withdrawal purposes. Please note - any official withdrawal form submitted will be processed and all withdrawal processing is final.
Check the ramifications the course withdrawal will have on your financial aid status, athletic eligibility, housing status, and/or international student status.
To officially withdraw from a course:
- Submit the electronic withdrawal form in BlazeNet.
- Emails to the registrar, an advisor, or faculty member is not an approved way to officially withdraw from a course and will not be used for course withdrawal purposes.
- Please note - any official withdrawal form submitted will be processed and all withdrawal processing is final.
Academic and Classroom Policies
The minimum semester course load for a full-time student is 12 semester hours; the normal load is 15 to 18 semester hours; and the maximum load is 18 semester hours. Requests to exceed the maximum of 18 hours must be made to the registrar on the Request to Exceed 18 hours form on the Registrar page in BlazeNet and will be reviewed primarily on the basis of the student’s previous record of achievement and the courses in which the student wishes to enroll. No student may receive credit for more than 21 hours in a semester under any circumstances.
In the online studies program, a normal course load in a term should not exceed 12 semester hours. No student may receive credit for more than 18 hours in a term.
The normal course load in a term for graduate students is 6 semester hours. Graduate students may double up on classes with approval from the Dean.
Academic and Classroom Policies
Each semester there is a short period after courses begin where schedule changes can be made. Please see the official academic calendar for the dates of the add and drop periods. Please note, after the official add period ends, students may not enroll in additional classes for that term. Students may drop courses through Blazenet\Student Planning during the official drop period. After that period ends, students will receive a grade for all classes in which they are registered. Please refer to the University Catalogue for more details on tuition after course withdrawal.
Academic and Classroom Policies
One of the primary aims of Belhaven University is to promote excellence in the classroom; students are expected to follow their professor’s lead. They are to show respect for the University, its employees, their fellow students, and campus visitors. Students’ behavior should be guided by Christian principles in all of their daily activities. Students should refer to the class syllabus for expectations specific to each class. The following general expectations have been established by the Belhaven faculty:
- The professor may issue a warning or ask for a student to leave if they are disruptive in class. Students who are asked to leave will receive an absence for that day.
- Honesty is expected in all course work.
- Cell phones should be turned off or set to vibrate and put away while in class. Students may not leave class until the break or until class ends to take or return a call. Students may have a variety of technology devices present in the classroom, including laptop computers, tablets, smartphone, etc. In most cases, the devices are used to take notes or otherwise support what is going on in class. However, the instructor has the right to limit access to any of these devices if it is determined that the student is not using the device appropriately within the class.
- Students who show zeal for learning by being in the classroom prepared as their classes begin usually achieve high marks. Maintain eye contact with the professors, actively listen, and participate in the class. Keep your focus on the class.
- Students may purchase or rent textbooks and materials for each class for which they are enrolled from the Belhaven Barnes and Noble Bookstore or a book vendor. The curriculum module is made available through the course website in Canvas approximately one week before the beginning of the course.
- Students should take the responsibility to initiate the completion of exams and missed course work due to an absence. The professor has the right to determine policies regarding make-up exams and course work and is not required to re-teach material.
- Tardiness for a campus or virtual class in unacceptable. Students are expected to be in the classroom when class begins and to remain there until the class is finished.
- Come to class and participate as if you were on the job and getting paid for your effort. Come prepared with textbooks, notebooks, pens, or whatever is necessary to participate fully and have assigned material or homework completely finished and prepared.
- Do not wait until a day or two before an assignment is due to ask questions regarding it or seek topic approval only days before the due date. This demonstrates lack of preparation.
- Dress in appropriate attire.
- Help keep classrooms neat and orderly. Professors have the right to restrict the consumption of food and/or drink in their classrooms.
- Final exams must be taken in accordance with instructions found in your course syllabus.
- It is the student’s responsibility to provide for the supervision of his or her children while they are on campus. Children should not be brought into classrooms nor left unattended while on campus.
Academic and Classroom Policies
Each student is provided with a course module. On-campus and virtual synchronous classes meet with a faculty member each week. In addition, some classes require group assignments to meet without the faculty member to complete requirements as outlined in the course module. The students themselves set meeting times for the group assignments.
Online classes have discussions and assignments each week. In addition, some classes have group assignments that will require you to meet in person or via Zoom.
Academic and Classroom Policies
The total number of Alternative Credits must not exceed 45 credit hours with no more than 30 of those hours obtained from experiential credit (PLA-prior learning assessment) toward the undergraduate degree.
Academic and Classroom Policies
All students are expected to submit original work. All students should check the course syllabus and follow the instructor’s guidelines as to the writing format used in assignments.
All students are expected to submit original work. All assignments should be written in APA format unless the course syllabus states differently. Regardless of subject matter, students will be held to the appropriate standard of writing, including grammar, syntax, organization, and style. Students should review metrics for writing within the course grading rubrics and faculty feedback on writing errors so that students can grow in their ability to write effectively. Belhaven uses the style adopted by the American Psychological Association (APA) 7th edition for all of the courses. Writing resources are available to students under “Help & Resources” as well as in the “Student Resources & Canvas Basics” course in Canvas and BlazeNet.
Academic and Classroom Policies
Students will need to examine their individual course syllabus for instructor’s guidelines on AI.
Artificial intelligence may be used to complete class assignments in online courses (except for Education and Bible courses; check with the Dean of Education or Bible for details) if appropriately cited. For example, “This post contains information provided by ChatGPT.” Alternatively, “The author acknowledges using AI-generated content in preparing this assignment.”
Answering discussion prompts or submitting writing assignments using AI without proper citation will be considered an honor code infraction (see Disciplinary Procedures section for details on honor code infractions). If you use artificial intelligence to respond to discussion prompts, you must cite the AI source AND include a paragraph evaluating the response along with your contribution to the post, such as a personal example that supports or contradicts the AI information. Using AI to respond to discussion prompts or assignments without citation undermines your integrity. Using it without personally engaging in the material undermines your learning and the value of your degree.
Academic and Classroom Policies
The student end-of-course survey is administered electronically at the end of each course of instruction and asks students to evaluate the performance of the Instructor, the quality of the curriculum materials, and the administrative services utilized during the course.
Academic and Classroom Policies
Belhaven University is required by government regulators to confirm the identity of all students who take online courses. Authenticating students’ identities throughout their coursework ensures the academic integrity of the institution while also preserving the quality of the online degree you earn. To meet the requirements of federal law and regional accreditation, Belhaven University requires online students to authenticate their identity through BioSig-ID.
BioSig-ID requires that you create a biometric password with a mouse, stylus, or your finger on a variety of computers and devices. Your biometric password cannot be replicated by someone else. You may be required to authenticate your identity with BioSig-ID prior to completing quizzes and exams as well as periodically throughout each course. All authentications take place within Canvas. Instructions on how to set up your BioSig-ID credentials will be provided in your Canvas course - you will only need to do this one time and the same credentials will be used for all your Canvas courses.
- First violation: You will receive a warning letter that your account may be compromised and you must change your password.
- Second violation: You will receive a second letter with a stronger and more precisely worded warning that if the violations don’t immediately stop, there will be repercussions, including a failing grade for the course.
- Third violation: You will receive a third letter notifying you that you will receive a failing grade for the currently enrolled course. Your professor will mark your final grade as “F”.
- Fourth violation: You will be notified that you will receive a failing grade for the currently enrolled course AND be suspended from enrolling in Belhaven for any further courses for six months. Your professor will mark your final grade as an “F” and student services will withdraw you from any courses and programs.
Academic and Classroom Policies
The Belhaven Honor Code is based on the agreement that every student will tell the truth and will be governed by basic principles of honesty. Specifically, these principles are:
- That one will neither give nor receive aid on any form or test nor on any form of assigned work where such aid is prohibited.
- That one will not steal.
- That one will not make any form of false statement in official matters.
The Honor Code is a statement of the highest ideals of the student body because it assumes that every student has reached a level of maturity that enables him or her to accept responsibility for his or her own actions. This level of mature responsibility is not created by law but is sustained by the endeavor of each student to be individually honest and truthful. Because this fundamental concept of honesty is the concern of each student in the Belhaven corporate community, no student will allow the welfare of his or her corporate life to be threatened by the dishonesty of another.
Students should report violations of the Honor Code to the faculty. This action is not taken lightly, nor is it to be avoided because of peer pressure, for this action involves truth and basic honesty, and without these principles there could be no Honor Code. Because the Honor Code is self-regulatory, students depend on the cooperation of each member of the student body to enable the system to work.
Plagiarism involves the presentation of some other person’s work or idea as if it were the work of the presenter. It is a violation of the Honor Code and is unacceptable. Plagiarism includes submitting a paper written in part or whole by someone other than the student. Plagiarism includes quoting from source materials without using quotation marks or block indentations to show that the material was quoted as required in acceptable documentation. Furthermore, plagiarism includes failing to give proper credit by citation in a paper for all ideas, phrases, quotes, or concepts used in the paper.
In order to avoid plagiarism, students should consult an English Handbook or if in doubt ask their faculty member. The following list is not inclusive but does provide specific practices to avoid.
- Do not attempt to get a research paper off the internet and submit this for your paper. This includes AI/ChatGPT or other AI sources.
- Do not merely copy from any book, article, or encyclopedia and submit this for your paper.
- Do not fail to include references (including source and page numbers) which document every source upon which you have in any way relied to write your paper. If sources are not properly referenced, the student has cheated the sources out of deserved credit and cheated readers out of valuable information.
- Do not use material from any other student’s paper or work unless you give that student full credit in reference notes.
Plagiarism includes the following:
- The presentation of some other person’s work or idea as if it were the work of the presenter. It is a violation of the Belhaven Honor Code and is clearly unacceptable.
- Submitting a paper written by someone other than the student. (such plagiarism would also include parts of the paper written by someone other than the student.)
- Quoting from source materials without using quotation marks or block indentations to show that the material quoted as required in acceptable documentation.
- Failing to give proper credit (i.e. a reference citation or other notation) in a paper for all ideas, phrases, quotes, or concepts used in the paper. Typically, references must be made for all sources within each paragraph. Style forms may vary in the reference content. Students should consult an English handbook for more detail on plagiarism.
- Using papers/assignments submitted in a previous course to fulfill an assignment in a current course is considered plagiarism, however, a student may quote from the previous assignment as long as it is properly cited. (self-plagiarism)
- Enabling academic dishonesty (contract cheating), i.e. helping another student violate the standards on Academic Integrity, is unacceptable and could result in censure or disenrollment. Masking of IP addresses is not permitted when accessing the Belhaven University LMS (Learning Management System - Canvas) as it is a common method of hiding contract cheating. Examples include: allowing one’s work to be copied, working together on an assignment where collaboration is not allowed (such as a quiz or exam, etc.), doing work for another student, or submitting work for a course to an internet site which other students can use to violate these standards.
- The first instance of plagiarism within a course will result in a zero grade for that assignment.
- The second instance of plagiarism with a course will result in a ‘F’ grade for the course. The student will have received notice from the Instructor and Administration of the policies related to plagiarism as well as have had sufficient resources to avoid plagiarism. (If the same student plagiarizes in another course the student will receive an “F” grade for the course and the student will receive a warning that another incidence of plagiarism could result in a temporary six-month suspension from the program.)
- The third instance of plagiarism by the same student will receive an “F” grade for the course and the student may be temporally suspended, based on determination of an Administrative Committee.
- A fourth instance of plagiarism will result in the permanent dismissal from the university.
Responsible research is a critical component of education. Students must learn how to investigate, read, understand, systematize, interpret, and finally explain complex ideas and issues in writing. Students gain immensely from personal experience with the research process, the broader and deeper knowledge of areas of academic study, and the discipline of summarizing their findings in a clear and orderly form.
Responsible research includes giving credit to all materials on which students rely in the research process. Students must realize that they are not experts; they rely on experts and must therefore fully credit these expert sources. Students must acknowledge all sources of ideas, words, phrases, or sentences included in the research paper.
One of the best ways to avoid plagiarism is to read thoroughly to gain an understanding of source materials, and then, without looking at the source, give one’s own summary or evaluation. The Bible teaches that God blesses diligent, righteous labor (Proverbs 12:24, 27). The Bible stresses that work should be performed in such a manner as will please God who always sees not only what pleases people when they are watching (Colossians 3:22-24).
Academic and Classroom Policies
A quality point index is calculated at the end of each semester.
All UNDERGRADUATE students are required to maintain a grade point average (GPA) of 2.00 with no quality point index deficiency, regardless of their classification. The formula for calculation of quality point index is: Belhaven earned quality points - (Belhaven attempted GPA hours times two) = quality point index.
- At the end of each semester a student whose quality point index shows a deficiency of one to ten quality points will be given an academic warning.
- A student whose quality point index shows a deficiency of 10.01 to 23 quality points will be placed on academic probation.
- A student whose quality point index shows a deficiency of 23.01 to 35.99 quality points will be academically suspended for one semester. This student will be eligible to reenroll after remaining out of school for one semester.
- A student whose quality point index shows a deficiency of 36 or more quality points will be academically dismissed. This student will not be eligible for readmission to Belhaven University.
All GRADUATE students are required to maintain a grade point average (GPA) of 3.00 with no quality point index deficiency, regardless of their classification. The formula for calculation of quality point index is: Belhaven earned quality points - (Belhaven attempted GPA hours times three) = quality point index.
- At the end of each semester a student whose quality point index shows a deficiency of one to three quality points will be given an academic warning.
- A student whose quality point index shows a deficiency of 3.01 to 9 quality points will be placed on academic probation.
- A student whose quality point index shows a deficiency of 9.01 to 15 quality points will be academically suspended for one semester. This student will be eligible to reenroll after remaining out of school for one semester.
- A student whose quality point index shows a deficiency of 15.01 or more quality points will be academically dismissed. This student will not be eligible for readmission to Belhaven University.
Academic and Classroom Policies
Students who have completed all degree requirements may participate in the graduation ceremony. Undergraduate students lacking no more than nine (9) credit hours or graduate level students lacking no more than six (6) credit hours may participate in the graduation ceremony prior to their degree completion. The remaining hours must be completed on or before the term-end date of the semester following graduation.
Students may participate in only one graduation ceremony per degree (Associate, Bachelor, Master, and Doctoral) and may be listed in only one program. Students must pay the graduation audit fee for each degree.
See the Academic Calendar for graduation dates.
A graduation audit fee is required for all students. The fees associated with graduation are not included in any other program charge. A graduation audit fee is required for each degree earned at Belhaven University.
The Registrar’s Office provides diplomas and certificates as follows:
Diplomas and certificates are produced and shipped to each graduate by a third-party company once graduation certification for each term has been completed. An order is then submitted and the company produces, packages, and ships the completed documents within 10 days.
- Spring graduates should expect their diplomas/certificates no later than mid-July.
- Summer graduates should expect their diplomas/certificates no later than mid-October.
- Fall graduates should expect their diplomas/certificates no later than mid-February.
A tracking number is provided through your Belhaven email address once your document is shipped. Graduates who do not receive their diploma or certificate by the dates above are advised to call (601) 968-5922.
All address changes must be received via BlazeNet prior to the end of the graduation semester to ensure your diploma/certificate will be received on time.
Degrees will be posted to transcripts upon completion of all degree requirements according to the following schedule:
- Fall graduates - no later than the end of the first week of January.
- Spring graduates - no later than the end of the first week of June.
- Summer graduates - no later than the end of the first week of September.
Students must request transcripts online through the website or BlazeNet.
Students who have completed all degree requirements and are waiting to receive their diplomas may request a letter of completion from the Registrar’s Office.
Student Resources
BlazeNet is our online student information system. This is the place where students can find information related to their grades, schedule, account information, making a payment, financial aid, registration, and so much more! It is also the central site where campus departments post information specific to current students such as student life, campus activities, academics, library databases, etc. BlazeNet is where you can read announcements, download forms, read policies, check your email, and access documents from various Belhaven departments.
Student Resources
Appropriate employment information that is provided to Belhaven University will be posted on the Handshake website through the Center for Career and Calling. The Center of Career and Calling is located in Irby Hall 208.
Student Resources
The Warren A. Hood Library has numerous resources to assist students with their academic success.
The staff is well trained to assist faculty and students with a wide range of research activities. The librarians’ intent is that each student at Belhaven develops transferable skills to ensure life-long learning through instruction and skilled use of the materials available at the Hood Library and other libraries in the metropolitan area.
Individuals using the library are strongly urged to seek all assistance possible. Should essential library materials not be found in the library, cooperative agreements between Belhaven University and other local libraries make available some 3.5 million items to each student enrolled at the University.
Appropriate credentials (available at the library’s public service desk) must be presented at the source library. For items not available locally, participation in a variety of interlibrary loan networks makes possible computer-based loan service.
While library staff cannot conduct research for classroom purposes, assistance in developing a research strategy can be invaluable. In order to make the best possible use of a student’s time, reference consultations are encouraged. Advance appointments should be made. Students will be expected to carefully describe their research needs when the appointment is made, allowing library staff lead time to plan the best use of the library’s collections.
Please call (601)968-5948 for library hours or check the hours listed on the University website.
Student Resources
A student who desires a transcript should go to for information on how to request a transcript. Transcript requests can take up to 48 hours to process. The person whose record is to be released must sign the electronic consent form contained in the online transcript request form for a transcript. The cost of each transcript it $10.00 plus processing fees and must be paid in advance through the National Student Clearinghouse.
The purpose of Chapel is to bring together the entire campus in a shared spiritually enriching hour that allows students collectively to be challenged to explore the depths of God’s truth and love. While Chapel is most often structured as a worship service, the purpose of Chapel is somewhat different from the systematic spiritual development students receive from their local church. And thus, Chapel is purposefully designed never to take the place of a local church in a student’s life.
Students’ attendance in Chapel is required because, within our Christian framework, we believe that all teaching of truth must be built on a foundation of God’s truth. As the study of chemistry cannot be completed from a textbook alone, the study of God’s truth also needs a “laboratory” for experiencing and understanding, for it is not enough to study the Bible without having exposure to the worship of God and an opportunity to understand the relationship offered to us in Christ.
Chapel attendance is required for all full-time traditional undergraduate students. Students are required to attend a minimum of eight (8) chapel services each semester. Students will only receive credit for attendance through the iAttended app by entering a location enabled text code at the beginning of chapel and also entering a different location enabled text code at the end of each chapel. You will need to allow the iAttended app to use your location in order for the app to record your attendance (if you do not own a smart phone, you will need to contact Student Development). Attendance will not register after five minutes from the start of each session, at which point students are counted absent. Students leaving early are also counted absent. Students are to be seated until the benediction has been completed and show respect by listening and not being disruptive. All cell phones must be turned off or set to vibrate. Laptops/tablets are not to be used and headphones should not be worn during chapel. The balcony will only be used for overflow purposes. If there are any issues with your iAttended app, phone is lost, phone battery is dead, you will need to see a member of the Chapel staff before leaving chapel that day. Chapel staff workers are positioned in the foyer area before, during, and after chapel.
Students who have not met the minimum Chapel attendance requirement during a semester may receive one (1) attendance credit by serving two (2) hours in the community with an approved organization or by making a $35 gift to the Chapel Mission Fund.
The guidelines for community service are as follows:
- Community service must take place with an approved organization, properly documented on the Belhaven Community Service Time Sheet, and submitted to the office of Student Development. The approved organizations list and time sheet are located on Blazenet.
- Community service is not granted for experiences such as mission trips, academic internships, employment, summer camp staffing, and spring break projects.
The guidelines for the Chapel Mission Fund are as follows:
- Complete a Chapel Mission Fund form located on Blazenet.
- Bring the Chapel Mission form and payment to the Business Office. Payments may be made by cash or credit/debit card. A convenience fee of 2.55% is charged for credit/debit card charges.
- Bring completed form to the Student Development office. Students will be cleared once the payments have been processed.
The deadline for fulfilling the Chapel attendance requirement for each semester is the last day of classes, prior to final exams. If a student has not fulfilled his or her Chapel attendance requirement by either attending Chapel or community service, a $35 charge for each Chapel session will be billed to their account and applied to the Chapel Missions Fund.
Students may apply for an exemption from Chapel by filling out the Chapel Exemption form, located on Blazenet, and providing supporting documentation. A Chapel Exemption form must be completed for each semester, at the beginning of the semester, and will be considered for the following reasons:
- Employed Full-Time: Students that work an average of at least 35-40 hours per week are eligible for a Chapel exemption. Provide a signed letter from your employer on company letter head that documents that you work “an average of 35-40 hours per week”. The statement “full-time employment” is not acceptable.
- Taking 51% of Classes in the Evening: Students that take at least 51% of their classes in the evening are eligible for a Chapel exemption. Provide a current copy of your registered classes to be verified by the Registrar’s offices.
- Last Term of Attendance and Academic Course Conflict: Students that are in their last semester before graduation and have conflicting required courses for their degree to graduate (electives are not eligible) during both Chapel sections are eligible for a Chapel exemption. Provide a current copy of your registered classes to be verified by the Registrar’s offices.
All appropriate forms are available on Blazenet or in the office of Student Development. All questions regarding Chapel should be submitted to
Community Policies
Belhaven University, as a Christian liberal arts institution, has a special set of interests and purposes essential to effective functioning. These include: (a) the opportunity for students to attain their educational objectives, (b) the creation and maintenance of an intellectual, spiritual, and educational atmosphere throughout the University, and (c) the protection of the health, safety, welfare, property, and rights of all members of the University and the safety and property of Belhaven itself. The University has a clear responsibility, in the area of student conduct, to protect and promote the pursuit of its goals. The Community Policies emphasize the University’s obligation to promote the personal freedom, maturity, and responsibility of students. Student organizations which are recognized by the University share these common bonds. Students and student organizations are expected to obey federal, state, and local laws, and in addition, must abide by the policies and community expectations of the University. The Community Policies set forth those acts which constitute unacceptable conduct for students of Belhaven University.
In the interest of promoting an educational community in which students are able to discover, develop, and apply the skills and gifts given to them by God, the University sets forth the following community policies. Out of respect for members of the community and themselves, students are expected to adhere to these policies during their tenure at the University.
A student found to have violated any of these policies will be subject to sanctions deemed appropriate. The University defines possession as being in the immediate area, room, vehicle, house, on one’s person, etc. Additionally, students are expected to abide by federal and state laws in addition to the policies and expectations of the University. Students are ultimately responsible with understanding and following these expectations and policies.
University sponsored events and programming are offered on and off campus for traditional undergraduate students on a voluntary basis and each student may participate at their own risk. Participants are responsible for ensuring that they are able to participate in the selected campus event and assume all risk upon participation. You may be asked to sign a liability waiver for on-campus events and/or off-campus trips/conferences. If you do not sign the waiver, you will not be allowed to participate.
The University reserves the right to call emergency personnel on behalf of a student in a health-related emergency. This includes, but is not limited to ambulance services, potential hospitalization, or other actions deemed necessary by University personnel. If University personnel deem it necessary to call an ambulance to campus for a student, the student is not allowed to refuse that service and must go with the ambulance. The University assumes no responsibility for ambulance, hospital, or other medical bills incurred by a student.
Students are able to have guests on campus but are responsible for their conduct and could be held responsible for their guest’s actions. Guests who fail to adhere to University policies and expectations are subject to eviction from the University premises.
The University strongly recommends that all traditional students receive the bacterial meningitis vaccine. There has never been a case of meningitis at the University and the disease is rare, but the vaccine is an effective way to protect students. The vaccine can be administered at the Mississippi Department of Health, just a short drive from campus.
In cases of academic policy violations, the Faculty member has the authority to grant a failing grade on the specific work, the entire course, and/or refer the case to the Dean of Online.
All flyers and advertisements must be pre-approved by Student Development before they are posted in any building or residence hall on campus. Any flyer/advertisement without the official Student Development stamp of approval will be removed. For approval, you may email or come to the Student Development office on the second floor of the Student Center.
Alcohol is not allowed to be possessed or consumed on campus (this includes athletic, performance arts, or recreational events) or at any University sponsored off campus event (this includes students of legal drinking age). Due to the potential appearance of alcohol use, possession of empty alcohol containers is considered possession of alcohol. Students under the age of 21 are not allowed to consume alcohol and those over 21 are not allowed to provide alcohol for individuals under the age of 21. When the law allows for the consumption of alcohol, students are expected to exhibit acceptable behavior off campus.
Animals are not allowed to accompany any student or guest while on the premises of Belhaven University, or at any University-related event. Additionally, the training of service animals is not allowed on University premises. Fish in a 10-gallon or smaller aquarium are allowed in residence halls.
Individuals with legal disabilities that require a service dog may apply for approval with the Director of Human Resources, in accordance with the Belhaven University Service Dog Policy.
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) clarification on the use of service animals was further defined in the Department of Justice clarification bulletin of September 15, 2010 in the Federal Register. The law limits a service animal to “any dog that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for an individual with a disability including a physical, sensory, psychiatric, intellectual, or other mental disability.” Animals other than dogs are not “service animals,” although in some instances, as set out in the ADA regulations at 28 CFR 35.136(i), a miniature horse may qualify as a service animal. For those requiring a service dog, Belhaven University provides reasonable accommodations and will make reasonable modifications to its policies, practices, or procedures as required by law to afford people with disabilities an equal opportunity to access programs, services and activities. Please contact the Student Care department for an ADA application.
Under the ADA, a service dog is defined as a dog that has been individually trained to do work or perform tasks for an individual with a disability. The tasks performed by the dog must be directly related to the person’s disability. In order to qualify for having a service dog on campus a student or employee must: 1) have a diagnosed disability as defined by the ADA, and 2) the accompanying dog must be trained to do work or specific tasks for the qualified individual. Examples include, but are not limited to: helping a blind or low-vision person with navigation or other tasks, alerting individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing to the presence of people or sounds, providing non-violent protection or rescue work, pulling a wheelchair, assisting a person during a seizure, alerting a person to the presence of allergens, retrieving items such as medicine or a telephone, providing balance and stability support for a person with a mobility impairment, and helping persons with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder anticipate situations that could trigger paranoia, interrupt repetitive or harmful behavior, or guide the handler away from stressful situations. The crime deterrent effects of a dog’s presence and the provision of emotional support, well-being, comfort, or companionship do not constitute work or tasks for the purpose of this definition. The ADA does not cover service dogs in training because it defines a service dog as one that has been trained to perform disability-related tasks. When a disability or disability-related need is not readily apparent, university housing may request reliable documentation of a student’s disability and their disability-related need for a service dog. A letter from a medical professional that explains the disability-related need for the service dog and the work or task the dog has been trained to perform is usually sufficient.
In compliance with federal law, service dogs are generally allowed in class sessions, meetings, activities and events when the animal is accompanied by the individual with a disability. Service animals may not be allowed when the animal poses a substantial and direct threat to the health or safety of others, or if the presence of the animal fundamentally alters the nature of the program or service in which the person with a disability is participating. Determinations of this kind are made on a case-by-case basis.
Service dogs must be under the control of the handler. If the service dog repeatedly acts inappropriately or is not under the control of its handler, the dog may be excluded from any University facility or event until the handler can demonstrate that the dog’s inappropriate behavior has been addressed and the dog is under control. A dog may also be excluded if it poses a direct threat to the health and safety of individuals. This might include, but is not limited to, the dog’s illness, lack of cleanliness, or presence in an inappropriate area that may put the dog or others at risk. Cleaning up waste from a service dog is the sole responsibility of its handler. Any cost incurred by the University to clean up a mess or repair damage to property caused by a service dog will be the responsibility of the handler. If the dog has fleas, the handler may also be responsible for the cost of flea abatement in the areas where the dog resides, as well as other areas it frequents routinely.
The Americans with Disabilities Act does not recognize emotional support, therapy, comfort, or companion animals as service animals. Although these animals may be important to the individual, these animals do not lawfully qualify as service dogs, and thus, are not allowed in the public buildings or on the grounds of the University, or at a University sponsored event off-campus.
Belhaven University will continue to monitor COVID positivity rates in the city, state, and across the country. University Administration will also review and follow guidelines set forth by the city, local, state governments, and the CDC. The priority is to keep our students, faculty, and staff safe at all times. Students will be notified of requirements regarding COVID-19 and will be expected to follow any guidelines set forth by Belhaven University.
Alleged or actual violation of any federal or state law may be subject to University sanctions.
Damaging, destroying, defacing, or tampering with University property or the property of any person is prohibited. Any person found to have violated this policy shall be subject to University sanctions.
During meal times, the dining commons area can only be entered by individuals who have successfully scanned their ID as traditional residents, used their meal card, or paid for that individual meal. Students enjoy a buffet-style experience where they are able to partake in multiple dining options. However, students are not allowed to take anything out of the dining area, with exception of a piece of fruit.
Residential students living in the traditional halls (Caldwell, Helen White, Lakeview, Robertson, or Wells) are provided a full meal plan (20 meals per week) as a part of their room and board payment. Traditional residential students that have a conflict between their academic schedule and the dining commons hours of operation can apply to receive a to-go box by filling out the MMI To-Go Meal Request form found on BlazeNet. Students with verified conflicts can take a to-go box out but forfeit the right to eat in the dining commons during that time period. Tables and chairs in the dining commons may not be rearranged. Tables nor chairs may be added to booth tables due to the blocking of walking lanes.
Furnishing false information to the University by forgery, alteration, or verbal communication is prohibited. This includes but is not limited to a signature, one’s identification, or documents. It is additionally prohibited to cause, make, or circulate a false report or warning of emergency, crime, or catastrophe. By furnishing false information, you may be subject to an honor code violation, sanction, and/or dismissal from the University.
Any conduct which involves disturbing the peace of the University and/or the city of Jackson is not allowed. Disturbing the peace can be defined as, but is not limited to, disorderly conduct, excessively loud noise, or failure to comply with the directives of law enforcement or University officials. Disruption or interference with University functions or activities is banned.
Dressing in a manner that is respectful of others while on campus or at University-sponsored events is expected. Clothing that is too revealing, bares undergarments (sports bras and bralettes ARE considered to be undergarments), or is inappropriately tight should not be worn in public. Students involved in athletics or the performing arts are expected to wear clothing appropriate to their activities and direct any questions to their respective coaches and/or faculty members (also see “Offensive Messages” section on Page 16). Shirts, shoes, and appropriate clothing must be worn at all times in campus buildings.
The personal, institutional, or commercial use of drones or other unmanned aircraft systems is prohibited on campus unless preapproved by the office of Campus Operations.
The University supports the federal and state laws with regard to drug use, possession, and distribution. No controlled substance shall be possessed, distributed, manufactured, or used on or off the University campus. Delta-8 THC, Delta-9 THC, Delta-10 THC and any other Delta THC isomer and their derivatives are illegal in the state and are prohibited on the University campus. Unauthorized distribution or use of legal drugs as well as possession of drug paraphernalia is also prohibited. Any person found to have violated this policy shall be subject to penalties which may include sanctions and/or immediate dismissal from the University.
The University prohibits the use, storage, and charging of electric scooters, hoverboards (any self-balancing board used for personal transportation), Segways, and similar electric transportation devices on all campus roadways, walking paths, parking lots, and green spaces, as well as all University buildings, residence halls, and facilities. Exceptions will be made in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Commuters who use the described devices above as their mode of transportation to campus may not use said transportation devices on internal campus roadways, walking paths, parking lots, and green spaces, as well as all University buildings, residence halls and facilities.
Students are required to exit the building immediately any time the fire alarm sounds. Students should become familiar with the fire exits in each building. Students are to evacuate the building immediately and stay at least 50 feet away from the building until the “all clear” signal is given from an appropriate staff member.
When a TORNADO WATCH is issued, students should be prepared to move to a pre-selected area of safety on the ground floor or basement. In the event of a TORNADO WARNING, students should proceed at once in an orderly fashion to a pre-selected area of safety on the ground floor or basement. All students should remain in this designated area until authorization to leave is confirmed by a Belhaven official. Should a tornado hit the campus or immediate area, everyone should restrict his or her movement until the area is cleared of hazards such as power lines, gas lines, and unstable structures.
Students should monitor the Belhaven web site at, social media, and your Belhaven alerts (email and texts) in the event that a snow, ice, or hurricane event is projected to impact Belhaven. Email notifications will be sent to student Belhaven email addresses should the decision be made to close the campus.
Emotional or physical harm upon another individual is prohibited. The University will not tolerate expressed or implied threats against other community members. Any conduct that threatens or endangers the emotional or physical well-being of a student (including oneself), guest, faculty, or staff member is not acceptable. Furthermore, it is strictly prohibited to demean, degrade, or disgrace another community member. Emotional or physical harm can occur in various forms including, but not limited to, in person, written documentation, and electronic means (this includes emails, text messages, and Canvas messaging and discussion boards). Any person found to have violated this policy shall be subject to penalties which may include sanctions and/or immediate dismissal from the University.
The use and/or possession of fireworks on campus is prohibited.
Due to the potential for personal injury or damage to the fountain, the Commons and University Village fountains are not to be tampered with or entered without proper authorization from Campus Operations.
All on-campus fundraising activities must be approved by the office of Student Development. Solicitation of funds has to be coordinated through a recognized organization, ministry, or athletic group.
Gambling is banned from campus. This includes, but is not limited to, wagering on any game, activity, or internet gaming.
Any regalia not directly affiliated with the University is not allowed to be worn during commencement.
Hammocks are not allowed to be hung on University trees or structures. Additionally, for safety reasons, climbing trees on campus is also not permitted.
Hazing is defined by Belhaven University as any activity that endangers a student’s mental or physical wellness or safety, humiliates them, or damages or banishes property owned by one or more parties in order to initiate, admit, or require a student’s ongoing involvement in a group or organization (on or off campus), regardless of the student’s willingness to engage in such activities.
The goal of Belhaven University’s organizations is to establish and preserve a welcoming social environment. Therefore, the university’s hazing policy must have the full support of all Belhaven University organizations. Organizations must strongly discourage any hazing in compliance with Mississippi State Law (Mississippi Code § 97-3-105) and BU’s commitment to upholding a positive social atmosphere.
An individual commits hazing if they personally take or contribute to the actions or attempted actions described in this section or if they know that hazing will occur or is occurring and do nothing to stop it or attempt to stop it or, alternatively, know that hazing has occurred or will occur and fail to promptly report it in detail to appropriate University officials. It shall also be a violation if a student retaliates in any manner against another student or individual for reporting hazing to University officials.
Any person found to have violated this policy shall be subject to penalties which may include sanctions and/or immediate dismissal from the University.
When on campus, all students are required to have a validated Belhaven identification card. Students may complete the “Security ID Form” on BlazeNet and pick up their ID at the security office or you may visit campus security to have your ID created. If an identification card is lost or stolen, students must inform the Security office immediately. The replacement cost for a misplaced identification card is $10.
Residential students are provided a room key and are expected to keep these with them. If a key is lost or stolen, students must inform Residential Life staff immediately. The replacement cost for a misplaced key is $35.
Unauthorized use, distribution, duplication, or possession of any identification card or key issued for any University building, facility, or room is strictly prohibited and may be subject to University sanctions.
Wildlife in and around the lake should be properly respected. The lake is maintained by the office of Campus Operations along with licensed wildlife agents, and concerns or problems related to the lake should be reported to this department. For safety reasons, swimming, fishing, and other unauthorized activities are not allowed in the lake.
Use of abusive, profane, or obscene language or gestures is not appropriate. Any message containing words and/or pictures that are contrary to the University mission, generally considered offensive, dramatizes sexuality, or promotes violence, alcohol, or drugs is prohibited and may be subject to University sanctions. This includes, but is not limited to, clothing, signs, posters, flags and bumper stickers.
Pornography is not allowed to be possessed or viewed on campus or any University-sponsored event. This includes both print and digital pornography.
The University believes in the sanctity of life, life begins at conception, and does not support abortion. The University is committed to providing support and assistance to a student who finds herself pregnant. Continuity of on-campus residency as a student will be considered in light of what is best for all involved.
Respect for oneself and others should guide the display of affection in public areas on campus, and should never make others feel uncomfortable. Excessive and recurring public displays of affection may result in intervention by Student Development and/or Security.
Belhaven University holds to the biblical truth that all persons are created in the image of God and should, therefore, be treated with dignity and respect. Conduct that denigrates or shows hostility towards the inherent diversity at Belhaven based upon race is strictly forbidden. The University will not tolerate discrimination, harassment, or retaliation based upon race and is committed to preventing or stopping instances where they may occur.
Further, the University prohibits unlawful discrimination and harassment against any member of its community based on the individual’s race, color, national origin, sex, age, disability, citizenship, veteran status, genetic information, or any other consideration made unlawful by relevant law, in matters of admissions, employment, housing, or in any aspect of the educational programs or activities it offers.
Any form of sexual assault is strictly forbidden. Sexual assault is defined as forcing, threatening, or coercing an individual into sexual contact against the individual’s free will with or without the individual’s consent. It includes, but is not limited to, any sexual act performed on an individual or any sexual act required to be performed by an individual against that individual’s free will. Sexual assault includes having sexual contact with a victim while knowing or having reason to know that the victim was incapacitated by drugs, alcohol, or was otherwise unable to consent. Verbal misconduct or any misconduct that does not involve unwanted sexual touching, does not constitute sexual assault under the University’s policy but may constitute sexual harassment or another form of misconduct.
If you or someone you know may be a victim of sexual misconduct or assault, you are strongly encouraged to seek immediate assistance.
Emergency Assistance: If you are in danger or need emergency medical assistance, call 911. Your safety is the first priority. University officials can be alerted once you are safe.
24 Hour Resources:
- Title IX Coordinator: The Coordinator receives complaints of sexual assault, harassment and other misconduct, and oversees the investigation and disciplinary process. The Coordinator also is available to respond to questions or concerns about sexual misconduct or other discrimination, and can be reached at 601-927-3636, or by email at, or in person at Preston Hall 1st Floor, Main Campus.
- Campus Security: 601-968-5900
- Jackson Police Department, 601-359-3125
Campus Resources:
- Vice President for Student Development: (601) 968-5969: Staff can assist a student in filing formal complaints or, if the student does not want to file a formal complaint, the staff can work with the student to address concerns over housing, class assignments or schedules, leaves of absence, withdrawal or other academic concerns. The office staff can also assist the student in notifying Belhaven Campus Security or local law enforcement, if the student so requests.
- Confidential Resource: Campus Counselor, (email) 601-965-1428 (office), located on the Second floor of the Student Center.
Sexual Misconduct FAQ Sheet:
Belhaven upholds Biblical guidelines concerning human sexuality and maintains that all relationships and conduct should reflect that of Christian character. The University upholds the institution of marriage between members of the opposite sex as the proper relationship for the sharing of activities of a sexual nature. Therefore, any sexual conduct not within these Biblical guidelines is prohibited. Additionally, unrelated members of the opposite sex are not to cohabitate.
Taking sexual advantage of another person in a way that deliberately infringes on their reasonable expectation of privacy is strictly prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to, recording images, video or audio of another individual engaged in sexual activity or in a state of undress without that individuals consent, even if the sexual activity itself is consensual.
Any form of sexual harassment is strictly forbidden. Sexual harassment is unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature and includes, but is not limited to, unwelcome sexual advances, subtle pressure for sexual activity, sexist remarks about another community member’s body, unnecessary physical contact with another community member, or demanding sexual favors accompanied by implied or overt threats.
Business ventures and sales are not allowed to operate on campus. Violations of this include, but are not limited to, solicitation, unauthorized promotion of events, or unauthorized distribution of any materials on campus. Furthermore, using the name of Belhaven University on any posting or material to suggest endorsement of any product, event, activity, or service without authorization is banned.
In cases of technology policy violations, in addition to University sanctions, one may be subject to prosecution according to Mississippi law and legal action by the owners and licensors of proprietary software for violation of copyright laws and licensing agreements.
Attempted or actual theft of property or services of the University or of any person(s) is forbidden. Additionally, possession of property known to be stolen is banned. Belhaven University is NOT responsible for any loss of property.
The University recognizes the effects of smoking, tobacco, and nicotine use on our society and is committed to promoting a healthy environment for its students, faculty, staff, and visitors without the hazards associated with these products. The University also recognizes that state law designates 21 years of age as the minimum age for possessing or using tobacco products. It is illegal to directly or indirectly sell, offer for sale, give or furnish tobacco products, or any alternative nicotine product, cartridge component, liquid, capsule or powder to an individual under the age of 21.
The University is a smoke free institution which forbids the use of any form of tobacco (cigarettes, cigars, chewing tobacco, snuff, etc.), and devices such as e-cigarettes, pipes, or vaporizers. The use of these items is prohibited in all property owned by the University (campus grounds, parking lots, garages, plazas, and courtyards), property leased by the institution, and University sponsored events.
The unauthorized entry and/or use of University premises or property is strictly prohibited. This is including but not limited to, unauthorized entry in any University room, building, roof structure or unauthorized use of University grounds or equipment. Unauthorized use includes, but is not limited to, using University facilities/spaces (including but not limited to, residence hall lobbies and the Student Center) for business ventures (this includes but is not limited to hair cutting/styling). Specifically, unauthorized use or alteration of fire-related equipment, including fire extinguishers, hoses, alarms, exit signs, emergency lights, may result in disciplinary action and could result in federal prosecution. Exterior and any other access-controlled doors are not to be propped open or tampered with in any way.
Skateboarding and/or rollerblading (this includes but is not limited to, heelys, RipSticks, and scooters) is not permitted inside any University building.
Sound systems, bullhorns, and any other disruptive amplifying devices may not be used on campus without prior approval from the Office of Student Development or Athletics. Camping (defined as the use of a vehicle, tent, or other shelter and/or bedding with the intent to stay overnight and/or establish temporary or permanent living quarters) is not permitted on University grounds, in or under University structures, or in University buildings. No one is allowed to stay/sleep overnight in a non-residential building on University property. Obstructing entrances or exits of college buildings, sidewalks/walkways, parking lots, and/or otherwise interfering with the free flow of vehicular and/or pedestrian traffic within the University’s campus or into or out of the campus, is prohibited. Any other activity that interferes with normal University operations is also prohibited.
Belhaven is committed to both sexual and gender integrity, and thus has a number of single-sex facilities on campus, including residence hall rooms, changing rooms, and restrooms. Equal facilities are available to both sexes, and the separate designation of the facilities is necessary and important to maintaining the College’s commitment to Christian sexual and gender standards. We request that employees, students, and visitors respect the guidelines of the College, and use the facilities consistent with their birth sex.
Water recreation is not appropriate if it is indoors or involves individuals who do not wish to participate or interferes with University activities.
The University specifically prohibits the possession of any type of firearms on all property owned by the University (campus grounds, parking lots, garages, plazas, and courtyards), property leased by the institution, and at University sponsored events. This includes but is not limited to any type of firearm, airsoft guns, paintball guns, pellet guns, BB guns, battery operated toy guns (including water guns), bow and arrows, tasers, explosive devices, illegal knives (pocket or tactical knives with blades longer than three inches are prohibited), and any other weapon considered illegal or dangerous. Any person found to have violated this policy shall be subject to penalties/sanctions which may include immediate dismissal from the University.
Financial Policies
Student Financial Services handles student accounts for all campus and online students. If at any time you have questions concerning your account, call 800-960-5940 or 601-968-5933. Student Financial services is located on the first floor of Preston Hall.
Financial aid is available for those who qualify. The following procedures must be followed in applying for financial assistance:
- Apply for admission to the University.
- Apply for Federal Assistance by filing the Free Application for Federal Assistance (FASFA).
Submit the FASFA each calendar year using prior year tax information by filing the Renewal FASFA for the appropriate year.
Important: Be sure to list Belhaven University as one of the colleges to receive the results of your evaluation. Belhaven University’s code number is 002397.
Financial Policies
All balances owed for the entire semester or summer session or shorter period of enrollment are to be paid prior to the first day of classes starting unless a payment plan has been established. Belhaven University assumes that when a dependent student enters the University, the student’s parents or guardians accept as contractual all the terms and regulations set forth in the University catalogue and are liable for the payment of all charges and fees incurred during their stay at the University.
Students who withdraw voluntarily or administratively and have an unpaid balance, for which satisfactory payment arrangements have not been made, will have their account sent to an outside collection agency for collections. Should this action be taken by the University, the student will be responsible for the balance and any additional collection charges and fees related to the collection of the debt. While transcripts may not immediately be issued for students whose accounts have unpaid balances, students in pursuit of employment should contact Student accounts to either pay the outstanding balance or enroll in a payment plan so that it may be issued.
A currently enrolled student who has not made satisfactory payment arrangements with Student Accounts may be administratively withdrawn from the University for non-payment of tuition and fees and housing. This may result in the student being administratively withdrawn from classes, enrollment, and housing before the semester concludes, and in turn the student would not earn academic credit for courses attempted during that semester.
Following the national college and university standard, Belhaven’s registrar is not permitted to transfer credits or issue a transcript until all indebtedness to the University is paid.
A student will be allowed to graduate only after settling with the office of Student Accounts all of his or her indebtedness to the University
Financial Policies
Students are awarded financial assistance based upon the number of enrolled credit hours. If a student is awarded aid based on full-time status and the enrollment status changes, the aid will be reduced according to their new enrollment status. A student must be enrolled at least half-time to receive federal student loans and must be enrolled full-time to receive institutional scholarships and state grants.
The Office of Student Financial Services reserves the right on behalf of the University to review, modify, or cancel an award at any time because of changes in financial or academic status, change of academic program, failure to comply with Selective Service, drug compliance regulations, or other requirements related to federal or state grant eligibility. Any commitment of federal or state funds is tentative and contingent upon subsequent Congressional or State Legislative appropriation and actual receipt of the funds by Belhaven University.
Federal student financial aid funds are allowed to be used for payment of educational expenses a student incurs in the period for which those funds are awarded. These funds cannot be directly applied to a prior account balance for a previous award year.
Financial Policies
Prior to release of financial aid funds, the University must verify the student has participated in an academically related activity in each of the classes in which they are enrolled. Federal regulations define academic related activities as physically attending a class with direct interaction between the instructor and students, submitting an academic assignment, taking an exam, an interactive tutorial, participating in an online discussion about academic matters, etc. If participation cannot be verified, all Title IV funds (Pell Grants, student loans, and other grants or scholarships) cannot be disbursed.
If the student receives financial aid and does not continue participating in classes (family emergency, illness, etc.), the student needs to notify their student advisor immediately. If the student fails to participate or the faculty member fails to provide participation information to the Registrar’s Office, the Financial Aid office will not disburse financial aid funds until participation is verified. If participation is not verified, Title IV funds will be cancelled and the student will not be eligible to receive funds for that award period.
Financial Policies
The foundation of Belhaven’s scholarship program is based on a review of several factors including:
- ACT scores (or SAT equivalent)
- Grade point average (GPA)
- Student’s mission fit
These scholarships are “open” to all students who qualify and are seeking a first bachelor’s degree as they enter the University’s traditional undergraduate programs. Merit-based scholarships may not be awarded in combination with tuition discounts, waivers, or sponsorships.
Merit-based scholarships are renewable up to four years (or eight semesters) contingent upon maintaining full-time enrollment status and satisfactory academic progress. Based upon administrative approval some scholarships may be consider for full or prorated renewal during a fifth year under certain circumstances.
Belhaven gladly welcomes transfer students and work with them to assist in meeting the financial obligation of the University. Merit-based awards are offered to any student transferring 30 or more hours to the University’s traditional undergraduate programs based upon the following:
- Previous academic record at all prior institutions
- Phi Theta Kappa membership
Transfer student scholarships are renewed for up to three years (or six semesters) depending upon grade level, maintaining full time enrollment, and satisfactory academic progress. These scholarships are not awarded in combination with other merit-based scholarships, tuition discounts, waivers, and/or sponsorships.
Arts scholarships are awarded based on the arts program in which the student is enrolled. Supplemental and arts scholarships may not be awarded in combination with some institutional scholarships as well as tuition discounts, waivers, and sponsorships. The scholarships are as follows:
- Distinguished Arts:
- Visual Arts
- Creative Writing
- Dance
- Music
- Theatre
- Graphic Design
- Supplemental:
- Legacy
- Blazer
- Campus Visit
For students with exceptional need, Belhaven offers further assistance to ensure continued affordability for our students. However, these grants require completion of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and all requested documentation, which will be reviewed annually to determine renewal eligibility and amount.
All students enrolled in the traditional program are encouraged to live on campus to fully experience the diversity of Belhaven’s Christian worldview. The Belhaven Residence Hall Grant is awarded to students living in on-campus housing. If a student moves off-campus, they will no longer receive the Residence Hall Grant.
Students on scholarship who leave Belhaven University for a period longer than one semester or attend another institution during their absence must reapply to determine scholarship eligibility through Admissions.
We encourage students to apply to the University and complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) as early as possible so that an accurate and complete award package can be offered in a timely fashion. While every student’s situation is different, the office of Student Financial Services is committed to assuring every accepted applicant is able to enroll at the University.
Financial Policies
To apply for employment under the provision of the Federal Work Study program, a student can complete an application found on Blazenet for work study. It must be understood that the amount shown for this award is the allowance estimated for work performed. Students must apply and be placed in an approved position to earn awarded funds under the Federal Work Study program. The Federal Work Study award may be adjusted during the award period in accordance to federal student aid policies and requirements. Any hours worked in excess of contractual approval may not be considered for payment.
Wages are paid monthly by direct deposit or check directly to the student based on the number of hours worked for that month. The student may sign a work study authorization form for the wages to be directly credited to the student account. Payment is processed on a weekly basis.
Financial Policies
There are two types of Federal Direct student loans: subsidized and unsubsidized loan. A subsidized loan is awarded on the basis of financial need and the student is not charged any interest before beginning repayment or during authorized periods of deferment. The unsubsidized loan is not awarded on the basis of need and the student is charged interest annually while the principal amount of the loan is deferred. Repayment on the principal of both types of Federal Direct loans begins six months after ceasing to be enrolled at least half-time. All first-time borrowers must sign a Master Promissory Note and complete Entrance Counseling at ( prior to disbursement so that terms of the loan and student responsibilities can be explained. All students are strongly encouraged to monitor their student loan indebtedness at ( Furthermore, each student is advised to visit the Office of Student Financial Services during their junior year for a review of available repayment options. Exit counseling is required upon separation and prior to graduation from Belhaven University.
Financial Policies
It is the policy of the University to disburse the appropriate amount of financial aid awards (excluding work study) two weeks after attendance has been confirmed within the applicable enrollment period. Please note: Fees up to 1.057% of a Direct Student Loan will be deducted proportionately from each disbursement; therefore, your awarded loan amount will be more than the amount disbursed. The Department of Education will disclose this amount to you when the student loan has been created. The student will be notified each time a disbursement of any federal financial assistance is applied to his/her account. If these funds exceed the student’s charges on the account, the school will refund a credit balance on the account directly to the student within 14 days from the time the credit balance occurs, unless a student has authorized the school to hold these funds on the account.
Financial Policies
If a student withdraws from all courses during a semester, regardless of the reason, federal regulations require Belhaven University to determine the amount of Title IV Federal Aid the student has earned. The Title IV aid programs that are covered by this law are: Pell Grants, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants (SEOG), Federal Student Loans, PLUS Loans, TEACH Grants, and Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grants. The requirements for Title IV program funds when you withdraw are separate from the Belhaven refund policy.
Students who do not begin attendance in classes are not eligible for federal financial aid and must repay all federal assistance originally received for that semester.
Belhaven University (BU) utilizes the withdrawal date for the Return to Title IV calculation (R2T4). Although your financial aid is typically credited to your account early in each payment period, the funds are earned as you complete class time. If you withdraw during the semester, the amount of Title IV aid earned up to that point is determined by a specific formula. The withdrawal date used in this formula is either the date of official notification of intent to withdraw or, if later, the last date of academically related activity as determined by Belhaven. If you withdraw without using the official withdrawal process, the last date of academically related activity will be used if it can be determined. If such a date cannot be established, the midpoint date of the payment period will be used in the calculation.
Federal regulations require a recalculation of financial aid eligibility if a student:
- Officially withdraws from all courses for the semester;
- Stops attending before the semester ends without officially withdrawing;
- Does not complete all the sessions for which they were originally registered for in a period of enrollment.
The R2T4 calculation may result in the student and/or parents being responsible for directly returning previously refunded dollars to the U.S. Department of Education.
Any amount of unearned grant funds that must be returned is called an overpayment. Arrangements can be made through Belhaven or the U.S. Department of Education to return the unearned grant funds. Belhaven will notify the student within 45 days of the date of the withdrawal determination, the amount being returned, and options for payment reconciliation.
If a student withdraws from a course it could result in a portion or all of financial aid funds being returned to the lender. Additionally, if a student withdraws from the University on or before the 60% point in time of the period of enrollment, calculated using calendar days, a portion of the total of Title IV funds awarded a student (Pell Grant, Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant, Federal Perkins Loan, Federal Direct Loan, or Federal PLUS Loan) must be returned, according to the provisions of the Higher Education Amendments of 1998. The calculation for the return of funds may result in the student owing a balance to the University and/or the federal government.
The refund to the Title IV programs must be returned in the following order:
- Federal unsubsidized Direct Loan
- Federal subsidized Direct Loan
- Federal Perkins Loan
- Federal Plus Loan
- Federal Pell Grant
- Federal Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant
- TEACH Grant
- Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grant
*Exemptions: New regulations allow certain exemptions from being considered a withdrawal for Title IV purposes. These exemptions apply to students who withdraw or cease attendance (including graduate students) on or after July1, 2021. The federal Title IV written policy and method of calculation is available in the financial aid office.
Financial Policies
If a student does not receive all of the funds earned, the student may be due a post-withdrawal disbursement. Prior to disbursal of a post-withdrawal disbursement, the student must provide Belhaven with permission to do so. The student may choose to decline some or all of the loan funds so that no additional debt is incurred. Belhaven is entitled to use all or a portion of the student’s post-withdrawal disbursement of grant funds for tuition, fees, and room and board charges.
Financial Policies
The Federal Student Aid regulations mandate institutions of higher education to establish minimum standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) for students receiving financial aid. In order to comply with these requirements Belhaven University has established the following definition or standard of Satisfactory Academic Progress. A student failing to meet the following SAP requirements may lose his or her financial aid Each student’s Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) will be evaluated at the end of each semester. To maintain SAP, the student must meet the following standards:
- A student must maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or better for undergraduate programs or a 3.0 or better for graduate programs.
- Transfer students - Belhaven University does not transfer grades from previous schools unless they pertain to the degree program in which the student registers. However, BU does not record GPA from previous institutions attended. Therefore, cumulative GPA will be calculated based only on the student’s work at Belhaven.
- Please note that a different set of GPA requirements may be required to maintain specific scholarships or State aid grants. This policy is strictly for federal student aid as defined above. Therefore, a student could meet the requirements for SAP, but still lose eligibility for one or more State or Institutional student aid programs. Some examples include but are not limited to:
Mississippi Tuition Assistance Grant (MTAG)
Mississippi Eminent Scholars Grant (MESG)
Belhaven University Scholarship
Transfer Academic Scholarship
PTK Scholarship
The student should be aware of all requirements necessary to maintain eligibility for his or her student aid programs.
- A student must successfully complete at least 67% of the cumulative attempted hours. This is calculated by the number of hours earned divided by the number of hours registered.
Transfer students - All attempted courses which are recognized by the Registrar’s Office, with the exception of remedial courses, are counted as hours attempted for federal student aid purposes. Remedial courses are not considered part of the student’s attempted hours.
Courses from which a student withdraws (W), withdraws passing (WP), or withdraws failing (WF) are counted as hours attempted in accordance with federal student aid policy. However, courses with a grade of W, WP, and WF are not considered part of a student’s GPA calculation.
Credit hours earned by testing or other non-standard means are counted in the SAP calculations as both hours attempted and hours earned. This includes hours earned from exams, AP courses, CLEP, PEP, DANTES, and military credits.
Repeated courses are considered part of the hours attempted. A student can receive financial aid for repeating a class as long as he or she earned an “F” in the course. However, the student can receive financial aid only once more for repeating a course that he/she has passed.
A course with a grade of incomplete will be counted as hours attempted. A student may request his/her SAP be reevaluated once a final grade has been posted.
- A student may not exceed 150% of the required hours for their program of study. Hours used in determining whether a student has reached 150% are defined as hours attempted in #2.
Once a student, pursuing a 124-hour degree, attempts 186 hours (150% X 124 hours) he/she will no longer be making SAP and thereby be placed on FA Suspension.
A student’s SAP status will fall into one of four categories:
Good Standing - eligible to receive financial aid A status assigned to a student that is meeting all the SAP requirements.
Financial Aid Warning - eligible to receive financial aid assigned to the student who fails to meet standard #1 and/or #2 at the end of the term. A financial aid warning letter will be emailed to the student reminding him/her that failing to meet all the SAP standards will result in Financial Aid Suspension. The Office of Student Success will be notified of all students in a Warning status.
Financial Aid Suspension - not eligible to receive financial aid assigned to a student who, following a semester on Financial Aid Warning, fails to make SAP. The student’s appeal was not granted. A student will remain on Financial Aid Suspension until he or she meets all of the SAP standards or has a successful appeal.
Financial Aid Probation - eligible to receive financial aid assigned to the student who successfully appeals and is eligible for financial aid on a probationary status until the student can meet all of the SAP standards. The student’s progress is evaluated at the end of the next payment period to determine if he/she is meeting the requirements of their academic plan. If the requirements are being met, the student is eligible to receive federal student aid as long as the student continues to meet the requirements and is reviewed according to the academic plan. See “Instructions for Preparing a Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Appeal” for more guidance concerning an appeal.
See “Instructions for Preparing a Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Appeal” for more details.
Appeal - A process by which a student who is not meeting the institution’s satisfactory academic progress (SAP) standards petitions the institution for reconsideration of his or her eligibility for federal student aid assistance. A student placed on Financial Aid Suspension has the option to appeal. A student may complete the SAP Appeal Form found on the Financial Aid section of Blazenet explaining, in detail, any extenuating circumstances (death of a relative, an injury or illness, or other special circumstances) that led to the student’s Financial Aid Suspension. Any documentation supporting the student’s case is welcomed. The appeal should also consist of a comprehensive academic plan detailing how and when the student plans to be able to meet all of the SAP standards. The appeal, the academic plan and any supporting documentation will be presented to the Financial Aid SAP Appeal Committee. If the appeal is approved, the student will have his/her financial aid based on conditions outlined in the academic plan. The student must meet any specific requirements as determined by the committee.
Following an appeal, the student will be sent a letter and an email with the ruling of the Financial Aid SAP Appeal Committee. If the appeal is granted, the student will be contacted by a Student Financial Services Counselor to discuss the approval terms. A letter and an email will then be sent to the student outlining the agreed upon requirements determined by the committee. The student must return the letter, signed and initialed, to the Office of Student Financial Services. Failure to comply will result in the immediate suspension of financial aid. Financial aid disbursed based on the committee’s decision may have to be returned. A successful appeal to the Registrar’s Office concerning an academic suspension or dismissal does not imply a successful Financial Aid appeal. A student will have to submit a separate appeal to the Financial Aid Office to have his or her SAP status reconsidered.
For a student to reestablish his or her financial aid, the student must bring his/her cumulative GPA to a 2.0 or better (see #1) and successfully complete at least 67% of his or her cumulative course work attempted (see #2). Students who have exceeded the maximum timeframe will not have their financial aid reestablished without a successful appeal.
A veteran student who has been placed on probation for three consecutive three-hour courses and does not achieve the required GPA of 2.0 will be reported to the Department of Veteran Affairs as not meeting the standards of progress.
Financial aid and institutional aid policies are not directly related to policies for academic admission. The Registrar’s Office sets and monitors academic admission policies such as academic suspension and academic dismissal. Reinstatement to Belhaven University after an academic suspension or dismissal does not ensure that financial aid will also be reinstated.
Motor Vehicle Policies
All vehicles are required to be registered with the office of Security and have a current Belhaven parking decal appropriately displayed in order to avoid being fined. During the registration process, students are issued a color-coded parking decal that must be displayed on the left-rear bumper or left-rear windshield. The color indicates the only parking zone in which the vehicle may be parked. Boats, trailers, and all-terrain vehicles may not be parked on University property.
- Blue: Residential Students
- Yellow: Commuters
- White: Faculty and Staff
Parking in handicap spaces, reserved spaces, or fire zones are ALWAYS completely off limits and tickets will NOT be forgiven. If you find the need to park off campus or at a reasonable distance from your destination, please call the office of Security (601.968.5900) for an escort to class or residence hall.
Motor Vehicle Policies
Students are expected to observe all traffic regulations both on and off campus. The speed limit on campus is 15 mph and back-in parking is not allowed. The privilege of operating a motor vehicle may be removed if vehicle policies are continually violated on campus. Students are strongly encouraged to lock their vehicle and not keep anything of value in plain view.
Violators of the motor vehicle policies will be issued the following fine(s):
- Blocking Traffic
- Decal (Outdated, Missing/No Decal)
- Unregistered Vehicle
- Improper Parking (Parking in Multiple Spaces, Parking a non-electric vehicle in an Electric Vehicle space, Parking in Reserved Spaces)
Fine amount for the above violations will be as follows:
- First offense…………. $35
- Second offense………$50
- Third offense………….$75
- Fourth offense………..$100 and 15 hours of community service issued by the Office of Student Development along with the possibility of removal of the privilege of operating a motor vehicle on campus.
Fines for Improper Parking (Handicap and Fire Zone):
- First offense………….$75
- Second offense……..$100
- Third offense…………$100 and 15 hours of community service issued by the Office of Student Development along with the possibility of removal of the privilege of operating a motor vehicle on campus.
Motor Vehicle Policies
Disabled or abandoned vehicles must be removed from the campus within seven days, or there is a possibility that the vehicle will be towed. If a vehicle is towed from the property it will be at the owner’s expense.
Motor Vehicle Policies
A limited number of free bicycles and locks are available for students to check-out on a semester-by-semester basis with the office of Security (601.968.5900). Students are responsible for securing, maintaining, and returning the bicycles and locks. Multiple bicycle racks are available for students across campus.
Bicyclists will be expected to follow the same rules of the road as vehicles:
- Stop signs must be obeyed.
- Bicyclists must be in the same direction lane of travel as a motor vehicle.
- Lighting must be used on bicycles if operated in the evening/night.
- Rules of passing must be observed in the same manner as motor vehicles.
- All pedestrians maintain the right of way whether on roadways, crosswalks, or sidewalks.
- If the cycle is only allocated one seat, only one person is permitted on the bicycle.
Motor Vehicle Policies
- The Belhaven University (BU) parking garage is only accessible via scanning a current BU Identification card for entry.
- A BU Identification card is also required to exit the garage.
- It is important to wait until the parking garage gate arm opens completely before proceeding through the entrance or exit. Only ONE vehicle may proceed through an open gate arm per each open/close cycle. DO NOT attempt to follow another vehicle through open gate arms as this can cause injury to you and/or your vehicle. BU is not responsible for damage to person or property caused by violation of this policy.
- The clearance at the entrance and inside the garage is 7’2”. Be advised that vehicles exceeding the height restriction are at risk for serious damage. Do not attempt to park oversized vehicles in the BU parking garage.
- The speed limit inside the garage is 5 miles per hour.
- Parking is permitted only in designated parking spaces. Any area not lined as a space or designated with a parking sign is a “NO PARKING” area. The absence of a “No Parking” sign or curb marking does not mean that parking is permissible. Lack of an available space is not a valid excuse for violating parking regulations.
- Double parking (obstructing 2 spaces and/or parking over the line) is prohibited and may be subject to fines.
- Pedestrians shall be given the right of way at all times, especially at crosswalks.
- Belhaven University is not responsible for damage to vehicles or vehicle contents occurring on University property.
- Electric vehicle parking spaces are reserved for Electric Vehicles ONLY. If a non-electric vehicle is parked in those reserved spaces, the registered owner/driver will be subject to fines as written in the Motor Vehicle Policy of the KILT.
- Improper parking in Handicap, Reserved, or Fire Zones are also subject to fines as written in the Motor Vehicle Policy of the KILT.
- No individual shall tamper with, manipulate, damage, or destroy a parking control device, including gate arms or control devices. Fines and fees will be assessed as established by the University.
- No individual shall tamper with, manipulate, damage, or destroy any portion of the parking garage structure including but not limited to, bollards, lighting, cameras, elevator, stairwell, windows, and all other portions of the garage structure. Fines and fees will be assessed as established by the university.
- The upper level (5th level) of the garage will be closed for parking access except in the case of event parking.
- Accidents involving motor vehicles must be reported to Belhaven University Security immediately.
- Belhaven University reserves the right to revoke parking garage privileges for any individual.
Residence Life Polices
Belhaven has six residence halls with three designated for women, two for men, and one co-ed apartment style building. The residence hall rooms are furnished, equipped with high-speed Ethernet connections and have access to wireless internet. Each hall has a lobby for studying or relaxing, a kitchen for cooking, and laundry facilities.
The coordination and management of each residence hall is accomplished by a professional Resident Director (RD) who lives in the hall. Resident Assistants (RAs) are student leaders who live with the students and assist the RD in maintaining an environment in each hall that is conducive to living and learning. Both RDs and RAs are personally and professionally committed to a Biblical worldview that integrates Christian faith with the learning environment.
Residence halls enhance the college experience by offering many outside the classroom educational opportunities to residential students. Close proximity to campus resources affords residential students the opportunity to easily become involved in campus activities. Residential students also tend to be more satisfied with their college experience and are even more likely to graduate. For these reasons, all full-time freshmen and sophomores (under 54 credit hours), single and under the age of twenty-one, are required to live on campus, with the exception of those students who live off campus at the permanent address of their parent(s) or legal guardian(s). Campus housing is reserved for full-time undergraduate students (ages 17 - 24) enrolled in the traditional program. On-campus housing is not available to undergraduate students under 17 or over 24 years of age. An appeal for exception may be made to the Vice President for Student Development. The University reserves the right to deny or remove someone from on-campus housing.
All traditional undergraduate students who have attempted less than 54 hours must complete the housing application in the online housing portal, if living on campus, or the housing exemption form (located on BlazeNet), if requesting to live off-campus and meeting the criteria to do so.
The University reserves the right of room assignments and cannot guarantee the choice of residence hall, roommate, or private room, but requests will be honored if possible. In the event a student is alone in a double-occupancy room, the University may consolidate the student with another student in a similar experience. Once the semester begins, residents desiring to change rooms may do so only during the designated room change period each semester. Residents must fill out the room change request form and obtain approval from the RD prior to moving.
By reserving a room, the student is agreeing to the payments outlined for the term selected according to the academic calendar. Students who officially withdraw from residential housing are entitled to a partial refund based on the date of their withdrawal. Students will be refunded 80% of room and board fees after the first day of each semester of the opening of the residence halls. Each subsequent week a student remains in campus housing will result in a decrease of 5% to a housing refund, should they choose to officially withdraw. Students will be charged until they properly checkout of their room. Abandoning the residence halls without procedural contract release will result in full billing for the specified housing period. Abandoning the residence hall is defined as a residential student removing oneself and personal belongings from their assigned housing space during the contractual housing dates without informing the appropriate housing staff such as the Resident Director or the Director of Residence Life. All residential occupants are responsible for removal of their personal property from the residence halls. University officials will dispose of any personal property left in the residence halls due to abandonment or after the contractual housing period ends.
Residential students living in Caldwell, Helen White, Lakeview, Robertson, or Wells have a full meal plan in the Bailey Dining Commons as a part of their room and board payment. Students residing in the University Village have the option to purchase meals through MMI at various rates depending on the number of meals desired.
Any damage that occurs to the residence halls or furniture will be billed to the responsible individual(s) based on the cost of materials and labor. When damage cannot be attributed to the responsible individual(s), students in the residence hall building or floor may be held responsible for the repair and billed a pro-rated amount.
The University assumes no responsibility for the theft, destruction, or loss of property belonging to, or in the custody of, a student. Students are encouraged to carry their own personal property insurance and to always lock their doors.
The University reserves the right to enter a student’s room for the purpose of maintenance, inspections, students’ health or safety, or inclement weather. A student requesting work done to their room grants the right of entry to the necessary personnel. Additionally, designated University officials may enter a student’s room when there is reason to believe a violation of University policy is taking place, as well as for reasons of search and seizure of illegal possessions within the student’s room or on their person.
In an effort to reduce circuit overloading, potential fire hazards, and insurance obligations, the types of electrical appliances allowed are limited to UL approved equipment. The items not allowed to be used or stored in the rooms include, but are not limited to, air fryers, crockpots, electric blankets, electric skillets, halogen/lava lamps, hot plates, grills (including propane tanks), multiple outlet converters (even UL approved), rice cookers, space heaters, toasters, window air condition units, and anything that is not UL approved. Any item with an exposed heating element is also prohibited in the residence hall rooms. Refrigerators (5 cubic feet or less) and microwaves (900 watts or less) are allowed. Refrigerators and microwaves are limited to one per residential student. The defined refrigerators and microwaves are not permitted in University Village bedrooms as the University provides one of each in the kitchen. Exceptions may be made by gaining approval from the University Village Resident Director or the Director of Residence Life.
Small kitchen appliances are allowed in the kitchens of University Village.
Open flames are prohibited in the residence halls. Specifically, candles, incense, or burning sage is not allowed. Wax warmers and/or candle warmers are also prohibited.
Childcare is not allowed in any of the residence hall buildings. Children are NOT allowed to live or stay with residents in the residence halls. There will be NO allowance of operating or providing childcare on campus. Any child visiting with their family cannot be unaccompanied in the residence hall and cannot be in the residence hall past 9:00 pm or before 8:00 am on any day of the week.
Residents are responsible for the cleanliness of their own rooms and living areas. Perishable food items should not be stored in open containers in order to limit the likelihood of insect and/or rodent infestation. If something in halls needs to be attended to, students should notify residential staff (via email), who work closely with the office of Campus Operations, in order to have the particular issue addressed.
For environmental, health, and safety reasons, cooking is not permitted in the residence hall rooms. Residential students may cook responsibly in the residence hall kitchens and UV kitchens and are responsible for cleaning after they finish.
Additionally, cooking appliances may not be stored in residence hall rooms with the exception of a personal coffee maker and/or electric kettle. Caldwell, Helen White, Lakeview, Robertson, and Wells have basic cooking appliances such as a Crock Pot, Rice Cooker, Air Fryer, and Toaster that may be checked out from a residence hall staff member to be used in the residence hall kitchen. Misuse and/or failure to follow directions with the checked-out appliance(s) may result in additional fines.
All cooking utensils should be properly stored in a container in a resident’s room. Utensils include, but are not limited to, kitchen knives, forks, spoons, and serve ware.
Residents may store their cookware (such as pots, pans, and utensils in the residence hall kitchen). If a resident chooses to store their cookware items in the kitchen, they are encouraged to store them in a sealable container with their name and room number written on it. The University is not responsible for loss or theft of items left in the kitchen.
While personalization of rooms is encouraged, the following guidelines must be followed as residents are accountable for any damage to University furnishings or equipment. University furniture or furnishings may not be removed from rooms. University furniture in lobbies, common areas, or other residential rooms may not be placed into rooms. Beds are not to be elevated by use of cinder blocks or any other material that is not specifically designed for such purpose.
The use of nails, screws, tacks, adhesive wall paper, or other potentially damaging items on residence hall furnishings, doors, and walls is prohibited. Damage-free adhesive mounting strips and hooks as well as painters tape are the ideal materials that may be used for hanging. Other types of bonding agents may not be used without permission from the RD. For Helen White Residents ONLY: Tacks ARE allowed to hang decorations while damage-free adhesive mounting strips and hooks are NOT allowed.
Additionally, due to the risk of damage from LED strip lights, LED strip lights cannot be adhered to any University property such as, but not limited to, walls, beds, chairs, desks, dressers, doors, etc.
Any decoration within a residence hall room or hallway cannot block doors, be hung from ceilings, or otherwise violate other policies.
The University reserves the right to require removal of decorations deemed to be inappropriate. Decorations should be done in good taste and may not contain nudity, inappropriate language, or promote drugs or alcohol. The display of public signs (road signs and public service signs) is also prohibited. The final interpretation of whether a decoration is inappropriate or could potentially damage the room or furniture rests with the RD.
During emergency situations and drills all residents and guests are expected to follow University officials. In the event of a fire, all residents and guests are required to evacuate the building immediately, gather in the area designated for that particular building, and not return until permission is given by the RD and/or University security. In the event of a tornado, all residents and guests should proceed immediately to the designated area of safety in the residence hall and remain there until the RD and/or University security gives permission to leave that area. Failure to follow any University official’s directions may result in disciplinary sanctions.
Tampering with or disabling smoke and heat detectors, sprinklers, fire extinguishers, or emergency lighting systems is a violation that will result in severe disciplinary sanctions.
Storage of gasoline-powered vehicles is prohibited in the residence halls because of the fire hazard they pose and are allowed only on paved streets and parking lots.
Keys are property of the University, may not be duplicated, and must be returned during the checkout process. Failure to return or loss of a residence hall key will result in a $35 charge. Failure to return or loss of a mailbox key will result in a $10 charge. If a resident is locked out of their room, the residence hall staff can provide access; however, repeated requests are subject to a fine. Residents should make every effort to ensure their rooms are locked and are responsible for the activity that happens in their room.
Courtesy Hours are in effect 24 hours every day and refers to the time outside of the listed Quiet Hours in which residents are expected to be respectful and sensitive to the noise they make. Courtesy should be given when making noise in one’s room or in the public areas in and outside the residence hall in order to ensure reasonable sound levels. This would include but is not limited to talking, music, television, and alarm clocks.
Quiet hours are in effect Sunday through Thursday from 10:00 p.m. until 7:00 a.m. and Friday and Saturday from 12:00 a.m. until 7:00 a.m. During this time, noise should not be heard outside of one’s room in order not to disturb fellow residents. Twenty-four hour quiet hours are observed during final examinations. Students are encouraged to share responsibility in upholding quiet hours.
Repeated quiet hour violations may result in disciplinary sanctions.
Residence hall rooms may not be leased, subleased, or assigned to another student. Guests are permitted in the University residence halls during the academic year if they are invited and accompanied by a resident of the building. Residents may host an overnight guest of the same sex, age 15 and older, by obtaining prior permission from their Resident Director. Residents are required to fill out and submit an “Overnight Guest Request” form 72 business hours (three business days) prior to their guest’s arrival to campus. Guests may stay overnight for up to three nights. A guest may stay no longer than six nights total regardless of room or residence hall in any semester. If a resident fails to fill out and submit an “Overnight Guest Request” form prior to their guest arriving to campus, the resident will be fined $25 per night their guest is on campus.
Overnight guests will not be permitted during University outlined breaks or closures, 24-hour quiet hours, and the duration of finals. An exception may be made during that time with approval from the Resident Director.
Parents and family may visit their student(s) at any time outside of the residence halls. When inside the residence halls, parents and family are expected to follow all residence life policies. Residential students are responsible and held accountable for their parents’ and family’s actions. Parents and family must be accompanied by their student(s) at all times within the residence halls. Parents and family of the opposite gender of the residence hall they’re visiting may not go on the hallway without proper authorization from the Resident Director.
If parents/family members engage in policy infractions, are suspected of and/or pose a threat to the campus community, they may be required to leave the campus immediately.
Parents and family are required to follow residence hall hours and must leave during closure times. Residence hall closure times may change for parents during move in/out.
Furniture is provided in residence hall common areas. Relocation of public furnishings is prohibited and considered theft. Media (including video games) that may be offensive to others should not be viewed in public. Any movie or TV show above a PG-13 rating must be approved by the RD before watching in common areas. Any video game with a rating of “M for mature” or higher must also be approved by the RD before playing in a common area.
The Director of Residence Life will designate a “Room-Change Weekend” at the start of each semester. Students wishing to change rooms and/or roommates may do so at this time through a carefully coordinated process led by the Resident Director. At no time (including “room-change weekend”) may residents change rooms without preapproval from either their Resident Director or the Director of Residence Life.
After this designated weekend, room changes will only be considered for very serious reasons. Any room change after the designated room-change weekend must be approved in writing by the Director of Residence Life and Resident Director.
To request a room change, students must obtain a “Room Change Request” form from their current Residence Life staff and have it approved by their Resident Director. Students who move or exchange keys without permission will be subject to disciplinary action.
Serious roommate conflicts are rare; however, such conflicts are the most often cited reason for a resident to request a room change. Conflict, however, is viewed not as a negative experience, but as a learning opportunity. Rather than avoiding conflict, residents are encouraged to work through these situations in order to develop important life skills such as communication, conflict management, assertiveness, and individual responsibility. Resident Directors and the Resident Assistants staff are available to assist residents as they work together on their differences. A room-change request will ONLY be considered after all parties have exhausted all attempts (which may include meeting with RA, signed roommate agreement, and/or meeting with the RD) to reconcile differences.
Study rooms are provided in Lakeview and University Village. Residence hall study rooms are for residential students and their guest. The purpose of these study rooms is to provide a space where students may study alone or in groups. The following rules must be followed when using the study rooms:
- Lights must remain on when study room is in use.
- Those in the study room must sit upright in chairs (no lying or sitting on floors).
- Those using study rooms must clean up after themselves.
- Noise levels inside study rooms must not disrupt others.
- Furniture inside the study rooms cannot be removed or added.
Members of the opposite gender are not permitted beyond the lobby of any residence hall (with the exception of University Village) without the permission of the RD. In University Village, residents are allowed to have guests of any gender in the lobby, courtyard, fitness center, hallways, study alcoves, and study room during the hours established by the office of Student Development. During the times that the common areas are closed to the opposite gender, residents of University Village can still pass through the hallways but they cannot linger. Students are not allowed to bring members of the opposite gender in their apartment suite except during open hall hours.
The lobbies and University Village common areas are closed to members of the opposite gender from 12:00 a.m. until 8:00 a.m., Sunday through Thursday, and from 1:00 a.m. until 8:00 a.m., Friday and Saturday.
Open hall hours provide members of the opposite gender an opportunity to visit individuals’ rooms in the context of the policies and hours established by the office of Student Development. If residents have guests of the opposite gender during open hall hours, they are required to keep their door open and lights on.
Individuals may not enter or exit residence hall rooms through windows for any reason other than emergency evacuation. Throwing, spraying, or hanging any object out of a window is prohibited. Window screens are to remain securely attached to windows as designed.
Aluminum foil or similar window coverings are not permitted on windows. Gel window clings are permitted on windows. Nothing that may cause damage to windows is permitted.
Technology Policies
- The computer systems, networks, facilities, and accounts are owned and operated by Belhaven University. The University reserves all rights, including termination of service without notice, to the computer resources that it owns and operates. All students are responsible for ensuring that their internet usage is within regulations and is ethical and lawful.
- Under the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 and the Telecommunications (Lawful Business Practice) (Interception of Communications) Regulations 2000, Belhaven reserves the right to monitor and record all internet usage patterns. Belhaven does not routinely inspect internet usage, but reserves the right to inspect at any time any activity that is causing aberrant network behavior. Users should not have any expectation of privacy as to their internet usage.
- The e-mail system and all messages sent by e-mail are the property of Belhaven University. The University reserves the right to access and disclose all messages sent or received using its e-mail system to determine whether users have breached security, violated University policy, or engaged in other unauthorized or illegal actions. The University also may, without prior notice to either the sender or recipient, disclose e-mail messages when law or contract requires such action. Users should be aware that their deletion of a message might not automatically delete all copies of that message.
- All monitoring of network traffic by any unauthorized user constitutes a violation of Federal Communication Commission administrative rules and is classified as an “illegal wire-tap.” In compliance with federal law, these activities are strictly forbidden and will be followed up by disciplinary action. An “unauthorized user” shall include any student or guest not specifically instructed by the Office of Information Technology or an authorized University official, or any such authorized person operating outside of or beyond the specific instructions given by the Office of Information Technology.
- Users must not, with the exception of Belhaven’s existing infrastructure, utilize any of the following technologies: routing, IP forwarding, Bridging, ARP proxying, IP masquerading, DHCP, Network Address Translation (NAT), IP/IPX tunneling, SOCKS, application layer proxies, SSH, or peer-to-peer (P2P) on any computer connected to the Belhaven network. In addition, no new devices may be added to the Belhaven network. These devices include hubs, switches, gateways, routers, access points, and servers of any kind.
- The browsing and/or downloading of text, images, video, programs, or any other medium, which contain material of an offensive, indecent, or obscene nature is prohibited. Specifically, sexually explicit material may not be viewed, displayed, archived, stored, distributed, edited, or recorded using the network.The University blocks access to inappropriate sites from within its network, but if a student feels it is blocked in error they may reach out to the Office of Information Technology. The request will be considered at the discretion of the University.
- Students using the internet facilities of the University shall identify themselves honestly, accurately and completely (including one’s affiliation and function where requested) when participating in chats or newsgroups, when setting up accounts on outside computer systems, or identifying their computer on the Belhaven network.
- Any software that is downloaded and/or installed must be properly licensed and registered. Downloaded software must be used only under the terms of its license.
- Students may not upload to the internet any software licensed to the University or data owned or licensed by the University without the express written authorization of the Office of Information Technology.
- User IDs and passwords help maintain individual accountability for internet usage. Any student who obtains a password or ID from the University must keep that password confidential. University policy prohibits the sharing of user IDs or passwords.
- The University has installed hardware and software to assure the safety and security of the University’s networks. Any student who attempts to disable, defeat or circumvent any University security facility will be subject to disciplinary action.
- The University computing network is not to be used by students for for-profit activities, or for private or financial gain.
- Each user is expected to exercise good judgment regarding noise levels in consideration of others in the lab environment. Food and drinks are not allowed in the labs. In any lab, the downloading and/or installing of any program is forbidden. In the event that a program is needed for a class, please contact the Office of Information Technology. If there are any severe damages to any computer lab, the Office of Information Technology has the right to close the lab. The lab may also be closed for periodic maintenance. The paper supplied in the labs is the property of the University and is not is it to be removed from the computer lab except in the case of printing.
- Given limited bandwidth, the Office of Information Technology reserves the right to block, threshold, or otherwise restrict access to any service that is compromising the performance of the network and/or internet.
- While the University does have systems in place to combat viruses, spyware, spam, and other computer “bugs,” a certain measure of caution and awareness is required by the end-user to ensure an efficient and trouble-free computing experience.
- Students may gain access to certain confidential information regarding the University, whether it be in written, spoken or in an otherwise recorded format. This information should not be transferred in any way to any other person or device. Use of any University resources for illegal activity is grounds for immediate suspension, and the University will cooperate with any legitimate law enforcement activity.
Technology Policies
Copyright infringement is the act of exercising, without permission or legal authority, one or more of the exclusive rights granted to the copyright owner under section 106 of the Copyright Act (Title 17 of the United States Code). These rights include the right to reproduce or distribute a copyrighted work. In the file-sharing context, downloading or uploading substantial parts of a copyrighted work without authority constitutes an infringement.
Penalties for copyright infringement include civil and criminal penalties. In general, anyone found liable for civil copyright infringement may be ordered to pay either actual damages or “statutory” damages affixed at not less than $750 and not more than $30,000 per work infringed. For “willful” infringement, a court may award up to $150,000 per work infringed. A court can, in its discretion, also assess costs and attorneys’ fees. For details, see Title 17, United States Code, Sections 504, 505. Willful copyright infringement can also result in criminal penalties, including imprisonment of up to five years and fines of up to $250,000 per offense.
All equipment, services, and technologies provided to students as part of Belhaven University’s computer system constitute the exclusive property of the University. Similarly, all information composed, transmitted, received or stored via the University computer system is also considered the property of the University. As such, all stored information is subject to disclosure to management, law enforcement, and other third parties, with or without notice to the student.
The University has network controls designed to block illegal file sharing. In the event a student is able to circumvent those controls and is discovered, the student’s network access will be revoked until the policy remedies have been enforced.
As required by Higher Education Opportunity Act, Belhaven University will regularly notify each student of the University’s obligation to combat illegal file sharing.
Students are responsible for complying with copyright law and applicable licenses that apply to software, files, documents, messages and other material they wish to download, copy, or transmit. This includes peer-to-peer sharing of files and applications. Proprietary materials belonging to entities other than the student should not be stored or transmitted on the University’s e-mail system or via the University’s internet connection. All students obtaining access to any material prepared or created by another company or individual must respect any attached copyrights and may not copy, retrieve, modify or forward such copyrighted materials, except with written permission of the lawful owner. Students receiving electronic files via the University e-mail system or internet connection should ensure that the sender is the lawful owner or has obtained the necessary license or permission.
Belhaven University monitors and filters all internet activity. To avoid disciplinary or criminal consequences, students should be very careful to investigate any material obtained via the internet to be sure it is legal before copying. Students found to be in violation of any part of the policy will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including suspension from the University.
Technology Policies
All rights in copyright shall remain with the creator unless the work is a work-for¬-hire (where the original copyright belongs to Belhaven), an institutional work, makes significant use of University resources or personnel, or is otherwise subject to contractual obligations. Subject to various exceptions and limitations, the copyright owner has the exclusive right to reproduce the work, authorize and prepare derivative works, distribute copies for sale or otherwise, and display or perform the work publicly. Ownership of copyright is distinct from the ownership of any material object in which the work may be embodied.
Royalties are allocated in a manner whereby the author(s)/inventor(s)’ share is allocated among individuals based on their relative contributions to the work absent a prior written agreement to the contrary. Where royalty distribution to individuals would be impractical or inequitable (for example, where individual royalty distribution could distort theological, pedagogical or academic priorities), the author(s)/inventor(s) share may be allocated to the University.
Technology Policies
It is the purpose of the Belhaven University social media sites to provide access to information, promotion, and discussion of Belhaven news, events, and achievements. We encourage all our students to join and participate on the numerous official Belhaven University social media sites to keep up on news and events for the University.
With the constantly changing and expanding world of social media, Belhaven University has set up guidelines which we ask all of our participants to uphold. When participating on these sites, please keep these guidelines below when leaving comments.
Posts/comments written on any Belhaven University social media sites need to be relevant to the Belhaven community. The Belhaven social media sites will discuss things directly related to Belhaven, not personal advertisements, products or causes. Posts that are deemed irrelevant to the site and/or the audience will be removed at the administrator’s discretion.
Sexist, racist, offensive, obscene, sexually explicit, derogatory and other discriminatory posts, comments, images or videos will be removed immediately. Users are free to discuss topics pertaining to Belhaven and disagree with one another, but please be respectful of other people. Also, ensure that proper permissions are obtained prior to posting images or videos of individuals.
For your own safety and security, please refrain from sharing personal contact information (phone numbers, mailing address, e-mail, etc.).
Critical, offensive, derogatory and other discriminatory posts, comments, images or videos that attack the University or individual faculty, staff or students will be removed immediately. Critical comments should not be made on a public site - rather, according to the Biblical model of one-on-one, face-to-face conversation with those responsible for the area being criticized.
It is very important at Belhaven to respect intellectual property and follow copyright policies. When posting text, images, or video ensure that proper permissions are obtained and that proper credit is given when required.
Disciplinary Procedures
Traditional undergraduate students and Adult, Graduate and Online Students are responsible for comprehending and conforming to all University standards, policies, and procedures outlined in The Kilt. The policies, procedures and standards contained in this handbook are not all inclusive and final. The University reserves the right to change, add, or amend the handbook at any time. The University will attempt to inform the campus community of such revisions but on occasion may err.
Violations of the student handbook will result in sanctions deemed appropriate. The University reserves the right to immediately remove a resident from housing and/or suspend him or her for any reason deemed legitimate for the good of the overall community. The University also reserves the right to suspend a student from campus in certain situations pending final adjudication of a case. Students who are removed from housing or suspended are responsible for all incurred payments, including payment for the current semester.
The Vice President for Student Development is designated by the President as the University official responsible for the enforcement of all community and residence life policies, as well as supporting faculty members in the adjudication of academic policies.
Disciplinary Procedures
The disciplinary process for situations determined to merit official action from the office of Student Development are generally followed as outlined.
- Information is provided to the office of Student Development regarding the alleged student misconduct. A preliminary investigation occurs by designated officials to determine if the situation warrants a disciplinary meeting. If a disciplinary meeting is called with a student, it takes precedence over ANY other University activity.
- The Vice President for Student Development or designee will set up the meeting (if deemed necessary), explain the disciplinary process, and inform the student of the policy violation they are being charged with. The student is provided an opportunity to admit or deny the policy violation(s).
- If the student admits to the policy violation(s) a sanction is administered in writing by the Vice President for Student Development or designee. Failure to complete the sanction as outlined will result in a sanction hold being placed on the students’ account and may result in suspension from the University.
- If the student denies the policy violation(s), the student will have an administrative hearing with the Vice President for Student Development or designee in order to adjudicate the case.
- During the hearing the accused student has the opportunity to present any pertinent information, including calling witnesses, to the Vice President for Student Development or designee. The rationale for the policy violation will be presented to the accused student.
- After reviewing all of the evidence provided, the Vice President for Student Development or designee will decide if the student has violated the policy based upon what the University would consider reasonable belief. The student receives written notice of the decision and, if applicable, sanction.
- The student is notified in writing of the appeal process. If a student wants to appeal the decision or sanction, they can do so by sending a typed appeal to the Vice President for Student Development within three business days of receiving the sanction. The appeal should include a narrative of the incident and a clear statement of the nature of the appeal. The rational for the appeal must include at least one of the following reasons: New evidence | Procedural violations | Sanction inconsistency.
- The Vice President for Student Development will submit the typed appeal to the Judicial Appeals Committee and provide context for the situation. The student does not have the right to meet with the Committee.
- The Judicial Appeals Committee will consider all properly submitted student appeals privately, without the presence of the Vice President for Student Development. The Committee has the right to question the Vice President for Student Development regarding the details of the case.
- The Judicial Appeals Committee will render a written decision based on all the information provided. The decision will be made within a reasonable timeframe, not to exceed ten business days after the appeal was received. The committee will provide the student one of the following actions in writing:
- Denial of Appeal: Original decision and sanction(s) stands.
- Overturn: Original decision is overturned and sanction(s) is dismissed.
- Accept and amend: Original decision affirmed; however, sanction(s) are amended.
- This decision is considered final.
Information is provided to the Dean of Online or their designee regarding the alleged student misconduct. A preliminary investigation occurs by designated officials. After reviewing all of the evidence provided, the Dean of Online or designee will decide if the student has violated the policy based upon what the University would consider reasonable belief. The student receives written notice of the decision and, if applicable, sanction. The student is notified in writing of the appeal process. If a student wants to appeal the decision or sanction, they can do so by sending a typed appeal to the Dean of Online within three business days of receiving the sanction. The appeal should include a narrative of the incident and a clear statement of the nature of the appeal. The rational for the appeal must include at least one of the following reasons: New evidence | Procedural violations | Sanction inconsistency. The Dean of Online will submit the typed appeal to the Judicial Appeals Committee and provide context for the situation. The student does not have the right to meet with the Committee. The Judicial Appeals Committee will consider all properly submitted student appeals privately, without the presence of the Dean of Online. The Committee has the right to question the Dean of Online or their designee regarding the details of the case. The Judicial Appeals Committee will render a written decision based on all the information provided. The decision will be made within a reasonable timeframe, not to exceed ten business days after the appeal was received.
The committee will provide the student one of the following actions in writing:
- Denial of Appeal: Original decision and sanction(s) stands.
- Overturn: Original decision is overturned and sanction(s) is dismissed.
- Accept and amend: Original decision affirmed; however, sanction(s) are amended.
This decision is considered final.
Disciplinary Procedures
Students that have been found to violate any standard in The Kilt may have a sanction imposed on them. Students are required to attend scheduled sanction meetings (if applicable). Any practice/rehearsal (including athletics and arts practices) and on or off-campus activities are NOT to supersede sanction meetings. Failure to complete the disciplinary sanction as outlined will result in a sanction hold being placed on a student’s account. This hold may limit a student’s ability to register for classes, reserve housing, view their grades, receive their transcript, or participate in commencement. Suspension from the University eventually ensues. The following disciplinary sanctions for students are listed, but are not limited to:
- Community Service: Requiring the student to serve the campus community on campus or an approved organization in the Jackson area.
- Counseling: Requiring the student to meet with the campus counselor in order to explore the cause for the violation, provide insights to know themselves better, and gain effective tools to deal with stress.
- Expulsion: Denying the student the opportunity of attending the University indefinitely.
- Fine: Requiring the student to pay a fine to the University or donation to a designated organization.
- Probation: Indicating to the student that any further conduct violation shall result in more severe disciplinary action, typically suspension.
- Restitution: Requiring the student to make payment for damaged or stolen property.
- Suspension: Denying the student the opportunity of attending the University for a definite period of time. Students are not guaranteed readmittance but can request permission through the office of Student Development.
- Warning: Officially reprimanding the student and providing a warning concerning future violations of University standards.
Disciplinary Procedures
The Belhaven University Honor Code states that:
- One will neither give nor receive aid on any form or test nor on any form of assigned work where such aid is prohibited.
- One will not steal.
- One will not make any form of false statement in official matters.
- One will not plagiarize the work of others.
- Any violation of the Honor Code should be reported to the Dean.
Since, Honor Code violations are related to a student’s class work, the appropriate response is vested in the faculty member/professor. (See the section on Plagiarism for specific information on the discipline process for plagiarism.) Honor Code violations may be referred by students, staff, or faculty to the Dean of Online. The faculty member and/or Honor Code violation administrator/committee have the authority to impose a sanction in response to student academic misconduct. If a student disagrees with a professor’s handling of the incident, an appeal may be made to the Dean of Online. All communication between students and other students, or between students and faculty, must be conducted in a manner that is respectful, using language that is professional.
The faculty member has the authority to impose a sanction in response to student academic misconduct. The student has 48 hours to appeal the faculty member’s decision in writing to the Dean of Online who will consider the reason(s) for appeal and case evidence and will render a decision based on all information. The student will be notified of the decision in writing within a reasonable time not to exceed 10 days. This decision is considered final.
The following general procedure is followed:
- A hearing is held in which the accused makes a plea and witnessed may be called to testify.
- The Dean of Online makes a decision based upon the hearing.
- The student receives written notice of the decision, and if applicable, sanction.
- The student is notified in writing of the right to appeal the decision to the Academic Appeals Committee within 48 hours of receiving the written sanction. The appeal should be written and should state the reason for appeal as one of the following:
- Procedural violations;
- Sanction inconsistencies;
- New evidence.
The Academic Appeals Committee will consider the reason(s) for appeal and case evidence and will render a decision based on all information. The student will be notified of the decision in writing within a reasonable time not to exceed 10 days. This decision is considered final.
Disciplinary sanctions may include, but are not limited to the following:
- A failing grade on the work in progress;
- A failing grade in the course;
- Suspension from the University for a specified minimum time;
- Dismissal from the University.
Disciplinary Procedures
Students may be drug tested if it is determined that there is reasonable suspicion of drug use. Belhaven University is a drug-free community because we care for the quality of life for our students and employees, and seek to maintain a God honoring environment for studying, living, and working. Students or employees who see in others signs, symptoms, or behavior changes indicative of suspected drugs are encouraged to confidentially share the concern with the office of Student Development. Reasonable suspicion will be based on the observation of behavior, conduct, or the presence of certain physical or emotional characteristics or patterns, which are symptomatic of the use of certain drugs. Reasonable suspicion includes but is not limited to:
- Presence of drugs, drug paraphernalia, or remnants of the odor of a drug in the immediate area, room, vehicle, house, or one’s person.
- Behavior changes or unexplained fluctuations in mood (i.e. irritability, hostility, anxiety, anger, or withdrawal). Outward signs such as staggering, slurred speech, or excessive laughing or crying.
- Violation of state drug possession laws or any university drug policy.
If reasonable suspicion exists, the student may be referred for an observed drug test. If it is determined the student should be tested, he or she will be informed of the date and time of the scheduled test and the consequence of missing the scheduled test. If a student misses or refuses a scheduled drug test, it will be treated the same as a positive test result.
The cost of the drug test will be the students’ responsibility. Transportation will be arranged for the student by a University staff member if the student is unable to provide their own. The consequence of a positive test will result in a sanction which may include suspension from the University. Any students who were determined to have violated the drug policy may be required to re-test at any time during their tenure at the University without any notice in order to monitor whether or not the student has refrained from further drug usage.
Grievance Procedures
The student grievance and complaint policy insures that students have adequate lines of communication wherein to file written complaints. Students are encouraged to inform the proper University official, as described in the Catalogue and The Kilt, any time they feel one of their student rights or privileges has been denied.
- For general non-academic grievances, students should file a written complaint with the Vice President for Student Development or the proper University official.
- The Vice President for Student Development or University official shall investigate as appropriate and if action is taken, issue a written determination regarding the complaint and a description of the resolution within a reasonable time.
- The student may appeal the decision in writing in instances where he or she is dissatisfied with the resolution. This request for reconsideration should be sent to the Provost within ten calendar days of the written determination issued by the Vice President for Student Development.
- The Provost will issue a decision regarding the appeal and this decision is considered final.
Grievance Procedures
Students wishing to file grievances on academic issues, including grades, should submit written appeals to the Academic Appeals Committee, which may be done through the Registrar’s Office. Appeals regarding course grades must be filed before the end of the next semester in which the grade was received except in the case of a student in their final semester who must file any appeal prior to their graduation date. Decisions made by the Academic Appeals Committee shall be final.
Academic grievances concerning a faculty member should be directed to the faculty’s department chairperson. In cases where the faculty member also holds the chair of the department, grievances should be directed to the division chairperson. In the case of division chairpersons, grievances should be reported to the Provost. Decisions made by the faculty member’s supervisor shall be final.
Grievance Procedures
Belhaven University has adopted an internal grievance procedure providing for the prompt and equitable resolution of student complaints alleging any action prohibited by regulations implemented by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and other pertinent federal, state and local disability anti-discrimination laws.
- Applicants or students shall file complaints in writing with the Director of Student Care. A complaint shall contain the name and address of the person filing it and a brief description of the alleged violation. If the complainant needs an accommodation in order to file the complaint, he or she should inform the Director of Student Care.
- Such complaints must be filed within forty-five calendar days after the complainant becomes aware of the alleged violation.
- An investigation conducted by the Director of Student Care, as may be appropriate, shall follow the filing of a complaint.
- The Director of Student Care shall issue a written determination regarding the complaint and a description of the resolution. The Director of Student Care shall forward a copy to the student within a reasonable time.
- A student may request a reconsideration of the case in instances where he or she is dissatisfied with the resolution. Persons with complaints should make requests for reconsideration to the Provost within ten calendar days of the date of the written determination issued by the Director of Student Care.
- The Provost shall issue a decision regarding the appeal within a reasonable time, and this decision is considered final.
- Students shall file a written complaint with the Vice President for Student Development. A complaint shall contain the name and address of the person filing it and a brief description of the alleged violation. If the complainant needs an accommodation in order to file the complaint, he or she should inform the Vice President for Student Development.
- Such complaints must be filed within forty-five calendar days after the complainant becomes aware of the alleged violation.
- The Vice President for Student Development or University official shall investigate, as appropriate, following the filing of a complaint.
- The Vice President for Student Development shall issue a written determination regarding the complaint and a description of the resolution within a reasonable time.
- The student may appeal the decision in writing in instances where he or she is dissatisfied with the resolution. This request for reconsideration should be sent to the Provost within ten calendar days of the written determination issued by the Vice President for Student Development.
- The Provost will issue a decision regarding the appeal within a reasonable time, and this decision is considered final.
Grievance Procedures
A member of the University community who wishes to file a complaint about sexual harassment by an employee or student of the University should take the following action:
- The complaint should be made to the University’s Title IX Coordinator. The University can most effectively investigate and respond to alleged sexual harassment if the complaint is made as promptly as possible after the alleged sexual harassment occurs. Complaints may be made in person, by mail, by telephone, or by e-mail to the Title IX Coordinator. Complaints may be made by the alleged victim of sexual harassment or someone who believes they have witnessed sexual harassment. Complaints may be either formal or informal. Formal complaints are defined as a document filed by a complainant or signed by the Title IX Coordinator alleging sexual harassment against a respondent and requesting that the school investigate the allegation of sexual harassment. Informal complaints are any and all complaints that are not reduced to a writing as defined above, i.e. complaints that are made in person or by telephone. Although the University encourages complaints to be made promptly, there is no time limit on a complainant’s decision to file a formal complaint. The University’s obligation to investigate is triggered only by the filing of a formal complaint. The University can only take corrective action when it becomes aware of problems. Therefore, the University encourages persons who believe that they have experienced or witnessed sexual harassment to come forward with their complaints and seek assistance within the University. Faculty, staff, and students who believe that they have witnessed sexual harassment are encouraged to report the alleged harassment promptly. In addition, supervisors, managers, and other designated employees are expected to promptly report all allegations of sexual harassment to the Title IX Coordinator.
- Once a complaint of sexual harassment is made, whether formal or informal, the Title IX Coordinator shall:
- Promptly contact the alleged victim (“the complainant”) to discuss the availability of supportive measures.
- Consider the complainant’s wishes with respect to supportive measures. Supportive measures are the only remedies available in response to an informal complaint. Additional remedies may only be considered after the filing of a formal complaint.
- Explain to the complainant the process for filing a formal complaint.
- The complainant’s wishes as to whether the school investigates the allegations should be respected unless the Title IX Coordinator determines that signing a formal complaint to initiate an investigation over the wishes of the complainant is not clearly unreasonable in light of the known circumstances.
- If the allegations do not meet the definition of sexual harassment, the Title IX Coordinator shall dismiss the complaint for purposes of Title IX, but the University may elect to address the allegations under the code of conduct as defined in The Kilt.
- This grievance process will be instituted for every formal complaint:
- Any person alleged to be the victim of sexual assault, whether that allegation is made by the alleged victim or not, will be treated as a complainant.
- Upon receiving a formal complaint, the University shall send written notice to both parties of the allegations in the complaint.
- The University shall apply a presumption that the respondent is not responsible during the grievance process.
- The burden to gather evidence and burden of proof is on the University, not on the parties.
- The parties will be provided equal opportunity for the parties to present fact and expert witnesses and other inculpatory and exculpatory evidence.
- Each party can select an advisor of the party’s choice who may be, but need not be, an attorney.
- The University shall objectively evaluate all relevant evidence, inculpatory and exculpatory, and shall avoid credibility determinations based on a person’s status as a complainant, respondent, or witness.
- All Title IX personnel, including Title IX Coordinators, investigators, decision-makers, and persons who facilitate any informal resolution process, shall be free from conflicts of interest of bias for or against complainants or respondents. The decision-maker cannot be the Title IX Coordinator or the investigator.
- The University shall use the preponderance of the evidence standard for all formal complaints of sexual harassment.
- The University shall send written notice of any investigative interviews, meetings, or hearings.
- The University shall send the parties and their advisor’s evidence directly related to the allegations and an investigative report that fairly summarizes relevant evidence with at least 10 days for the parties to inspect, review, and respond to the evidence.
- The University shall conduct a live hearing, as follows:
- A decision-maker (or fact-finder) will preside over each live hearing.
- Each party’s advisor shall be allowed to ask the other party and any witnesses all relevant questions and follow-up questions, including those challenging credibility. Such cross-examination shall be conducted by the party’s advisor and never by a party him or herself.
- At the request of either party, the University shall provide for the entire live hearing, including cross-examination, to occur with the parties located in separate rooms with technology enabling the parties to see and hear each other.
- Before any party or witness answers any question, the decision-maker must first determine whether the question is relevant and must explain to the advisor asking the question any decision to exclude a question as not relevant. Questions and evidence regarding a complainant’s prior sexual behavior are irrelevant unless offered to prove that someone other than the respondent committed the alleged misconduct or offered to prove consent.
- If a party does not have an advisor present at the live hearing, the University shall provide, without fee or charge to that party, an advisor of the school’s choosing to conduct cross-examination on behalf of that party.
- If a party or witness does not submit to cross-examination at the live hearing, none of that party or witness’ statements can be relied on in reaching a determination as to responsibility. However, a determination as to responsibility cannot rely on a party or witness’ absence for the live hearing or refusal to submit to cross-examination.
- Parties may appear at the live hearing virtually, at the school’s discretion.
- The University shall maintain an audio or audiovisual recording or transcript of the live hearing that will be made available to the parties for inspection and review.
- At the conclusion of the investigation, the decision-maker shall issue a written determination regarding responsibility with findings of fact, conclusions about whether the alleged conduct occurred, rationale for the result as to each allegation, any disciplinary sanctions imposed on the respondent, and whether remedies will be provided to the parties. The written determination must include information about how to file an appeal. This written determination will be issued no later than fourteen (14) days following the conclusion of the live hearing.
- This grievance process will be instituted for every informal complaint: If both parties give voluntary, informed, written consent, the University will offer mediation as an informal resolution option. At any time prior to agreeing to a resolution, any party has the right to withdraw from the informal resolution process and resume the grievance process with respect to the formal complaint. Informal resolutions will not be used to resolve allegations that an employee sexually harassed a student.
- The following sanctions may be imposed upon any student found responsible for allegations of sexual harassment:
- Warning
- Restitution
- Fines
- Loss of Privileges
- Behavioral Requirement
- Housing Reassignment, Probation, Suspension, or Expulsion
- Suspension or Expulsion
- No Contact Order
- Either party may appeal a determination regarding responsibility or a dismissal of a formal complaint by informing the Title IX Coordinator in writing of the party’s desire to appeal within five (5) days of notification of the decision. Appeals may be taken on the following bases:
- A procedural irregularity affected the outcome of the matter;
- A party has newly discovered evidence that was not available during the investigation and the evidence could affect the outcome of the matter; and/or
- Title IX personnel had a conflict of interest or bias that affected the outcome of the matter.
Once a request for an appeal is received, both parties will be notified in writing of the receipt of an appeal simultaneously. An appeal is not a re-hearing of a matter to establish fact and, therefore, shall be limited to a review of the record of the initial hearing and supporting documents, except as required to explain the basis of new information. A decision and notification of a final decision will be made within ten (10) days and will be sent to both parties simultaneously.
Grievance Procedures
Belhaven University has adopted an internal grievance procedure for providing prompt and equitable resolution of complaints alleging a violation directly affecting that student, by any member, or written policy, of the University community.
- Students (“complainants”) shall file complaints, in writing, with the appropriate University official within the office of Student Development or Human Resources department. The complaint should include the following information:
- The name of University member(s) that allegedly violated The Kilt or the faculty and staff handbook.
- Specific acts alleged, including dates, times, and locations.
- Names of any potential witnesses, including contact information, if available.
- An investigation conducted by the appropriate University official(s), shall follow the filing of a complaint. The following procedure will govern all investigations of the alleged violation:
- The designated University official(s) will investigate the allegations of violations of policy upon receipt of the complaint within ten days.
- The investigation shall include interviewing the complainant and the respondent as well as any relevant witnesses suggested by the complainant and the respondent.
- The investigation shall include reviewing any relevant documents or evidence.
- Confidentiality of the investigation will be maintained to the extent possible.
- After all available information is reviewed and interviews are completed, the appropriate University official will determine whether a violation of the policy has occurred, and if so, the appropriate response.
- All complaints will be adjudicated as expeditiously as possible and generally within sixty days.
- A student may request a reconsideration of the case in instances where he or she is dissatisfied with the resolution. If the complaint is against another student he or she should contact the Vice President for Student Development. If it was against a faculty or staff member he or she should contact the Vice President for Business Affairs.
- The appropriate vice president shall issue a decision regarding the appeal within a reasonable time, and this decision is final.