2024-2025 Catalogue
History Department
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Professor Parry, Chair
Professor Phillips
Associate Professor Koefoed
The study of history is an effort to understand past human experiences and to interpret their meaning for the present and the future. Rather than merely a recollection of facts, it involves an examination of peoples’ decisions and value systems. The knowledge of history may also provide necessary background for other academic areas.
This department provides survey courses in civilization and United States history. It also offers advanced studies that introduce students to significant historical periods in the United States, to major developments in other cultures, and to the study of theories and practices in politics. The faculty members promote excellence in scholarship and conduct their courses in accordance with the Christian mission of the college.
Students majoring in history must demonstrate “real world” experiences through a variety of courses and activities. They may enter internships that require work in positions that involve practical applications of historical records (e.g. governmental offices, archives, libraries, museums, etc.). They may attend and participate in historical society meetings (e.g. the Mississippi Historical Society, the Southern Historical Society, etc.). All majors must perform guided research and write original treatises suitable for publication in professional journals. Finally, seniors must write essays in the capstone course (Historiography) which reflect their experiences and express an understanding of careers available for history majors.
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